Attribute VB_Name = "modXML" Option Explicit '============================================================================================================= ' ' modXML Module ' ------------- ' ' Created By : Kevin Wilson ' ( The VB Zone ) ' ( The VB Zone .net ) ' ' Created On : June 15, 2001 ' Last Update : February 19, 2003 ' ' VB Versions : 5.0 / 6.0 ' ' Requires : XML 2.0 (or better) support (This support comes with IE 4.x or better, or by installing the XML components) ' ADO 2.5 (or better) support (This support comes with the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) installation) ' ' Description : This module gives you the ability to easily load and save XML in various formats as well as ' convert XML back and forth between XML and ADO (Recordset). ' ' See Also : XML Reference ' ' ' XML (Extensible Markup Language) ' ' ' Universal Data Access Web Site ' ' ' Universal Data Access - Free Downloads ' ' ' ADO Version 2.6 ' ' '============================================================================================================= ' ' LEGAL: ' ' You are free to use this code as long as you keep the above heading information intact and unchanged. Credit ' given where credit is due. Also, it is not required, but it would be appreciated if you would mention ' somewhere in your compiled program that that your program makes use of code written and distributed by ' Kevin Wilson ( Feel free to link to this code via your web site or articles. ' ' You may NOT take this code and pass it off as your own. You may NOT distribute this code on your own server ' or web site. You may NOT take code created by Kevin Wilson ( and use it to create products, ' utilities, or applications that directly compete with products, utilities, and applications created by Kevin ' Wilson,, or Wilson Media. You may NOT take this code and sell it for profit without first ' obtaining the written consent of the author Kevin Wilson. ' ' These conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the owner Kevin Wilson at any time without ' warning or notice. Copyright© by Kevin Wilson. All rights reserved. ' '============================================================================================================= Private strFiltersSub() As String Private intFiltersSubCount As Integer '============================================================================================================= ' xml_LoadXML ' ' Purpose: ' -------- ' Loads the specified XML file to a string and returns that string. This function uses straight ASCII TEXT ' instead of objects so it is less error prone and more flexible as compared to "xml_LoadXML_Ex". ' ' NOTE : If BOTH the "strXmlSource" and "strLoadPath" parameters are specified, the "strLoadPath" ' parameter is used. If neither are specified, the function fails. ' ' Param Use ' ------------------------------------ ' Return_XML Returns the XML document as a string ' strLoadPath Specifies the XML file to retrieve the XML from ' blnIncludeCRLF Optional. If set to TRUE will include the vbCrLf characters at the end of each line. ' Otherwise will leave them off to conserve size of XML. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' Returns TRUE if the function executed successfully ' Returns FALSE if the function failed ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function xml_LoadXML(ByRef Return_XML As String, _ ByVal strLoadPath As String, _ Optional ByVal blnIncludeCRLF As Boolean = False) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim intFileNum As Integer Dim strCurrentLine As String ' Erase the return variables Return_XML = "" ' Validate parameters strLoadPath = Trim(strLoadPath) ' Make sure the file specified exists If FileExists(strLoadPath) = False Then Exit Function ' Go to the file and import the XML intFileNum = FreeFile Open strLoadPath For Input As #intFileNum Do While EOF(intFileNum) = False Line Input #intFileNum, strCurrentLine If blnIncludeCRLF = True Then Return_XML = Return_XML & strCurrentLine & vbCrLf Else Return_XML = Return_XML & strCurrentLine End If Loop Close #intFileNum ' Function executed successfully xml_LoadXML = True End Function '============================================================================================================= ' xml_LoadXML_Ex ' ' Purpose: ' -------- ' This function takes the XML source or XML loaded from the specified file and converts it to an ' MSXML.DOMDocument object and returns a reference to it. This function uses the MSXML object to do the XML ' work so is more complex and more error prone compared to the "xml_LoadXML" function. ' ' NOTE : If BOTH the "strXmlSource" and "strLoadPath" parameters are specified, the "strLoadPath" ' parameter is used. If neither are specified, the function fails. ' ' Param Use ' ------------------------------------ ' Return_XML Returns the XML as an MSXML.DOMDocument object ' strXmlSource Optional. Specifies the XML source to load to the MSXML object (string format). ' If this parameter is not specified, the "strLoadPath" parameter MUST be specified. ' strLoadPath Optional. Specifies the location of the file to load to an MSXML object. If this ' is not specified, the "strXmlSource" parameter MUST be specified. ' blnShowErrorMsgs Optional. If set to TRUE and an error occurs, an error message will be shown to the user. ' Return_ErrNum Optional. Returns the error number to any error that occured. ' Return_ErrDesc Optional. Returns the error description to any error that occured. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' Returns TRUE if the function executed successfully ' Returns FALSE if the function failed ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function xml_LoadXML_Ex(ByRef Return_XML As MSXML.DOMDocument, _ Optional ByVal strXmlSource As String, _ Optional ByVal strLoadPath As String, _ Optional ByVal blnShowErrorMsgs As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrNum As Long, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrDesc As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next ' Erase the return variables Set Return_XML = Nothing Return_ErrNum = 0 Return_ErrDesc = "" ' Validate parameters strXmlSource = Trim(strXmlSource) strLoadPath = Trim(strLoadPath) ' Make sure at least one valid source was specified If (strXmlSource = "") And (strLoadPath = "") Then Exit Function ' If the user specified a file path, use it Set Return_XML = New MSXML.DOMDocument GoSub CheckError If FileExists(strLoadPath) = True Then If Return_XML.Load(strLoadPath) = False Then Return_ErrNum = Err.Number Return_ErrDesc = Err.Description If Return_ErrNum = 0 Then Return_ErrNum = -1 If Return_ErrDesc = "" Then Return_ErrDesc = "Load(strLoadPath) Failed" If blnShowErrorMsgs = True Then _ MsgBox "xml_LoadXML_Ex() caused the following error:" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Number = " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Description = " & Return_ErrDesc, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Error " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) Err.Clear Exit Function End If ' If the user specified Else If Return_XML.loadXML(strXmlSource) = False Then Return_ErrNum = Err.Number Return_ErrDesc = Err.Description If Return_ErrNum = 0 Then Return_ErrNum = -1 If Return_ErrDesc = "" Then Return_ErrDesc = "loadXML(strXmlSource) Failed" If blnShowErrorMsgs = True Then _ MsgBox "xml_LoadXML_Ex() caused the following error:" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Number = " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Description = " & Return_ErrDesc, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Error " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) Err.Clear Exit Function End If End If xml_LoadXML_Ex = True ExitOut: Exit Function CheckError: ' Check if an error occured Return_ErrNum = Err.Number Return_ErrDesc = Err.Description If Return_ErrNum = 0 Then Return Set Return_XML = Nothing ' An error did occured If blnShowErrorMsgs = True Then _ MsgBox "xml_LoadXML_Ex() caused the following error:" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Number = " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Description = " & Return_ErrDesc, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Error " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) Err.Clear Resume ExitOut End Function '============================================================================================================= ' xml_RS_to_XML ' ' Purpose: ' -------- ' This function takes an ADODB.Recordset object, or the database connection information to retrieve an ' ADODB.Recordset object and converts it to XML.. filtering out unwanted nodes and sub-nodes. ' ' NOTE: ' ----- ' If *BOTH* the recordset and the DB connection information are passed, the recordset is taken over ' the DB connection information (saves resources). If *NIETHER* are passed, the function fails. ' ' Param Use ' ------------------------------------ ' Return_XML Returns the XML document in String form ' rsRecordSet Optional. Specifies the ADODB.Recordset object to retrieve the data from. If this ' is not specified, bot the "strAdoConnString" and "strSqlStatement" must be specified. ' strAdoConnString Optional. Specifies the ADO connection string to use to connect to the database to ' retrieve data from. If this is not specified, the "rsRecordSet" must be specified. ' strSqlStatement Optional. Specifies the SQL statement to execute against the ADO DB connection ' created by the "strAdoConnString" parameter. If this is not specified, you must specify ' the "rsRecordSet" parameter. ' blnIsStoredProc Optional. If the "rsRecordSet" is not used and this parameter is set to TRUE, the SQL ' statement passed to the "strSqlStatement" is treated as a Stored Procedure. ' strFilterNodes Optional. The recordset is converted to an XML document by the MSXML object. Once this ' occurs, you can specifies which nodes are to be retrieved from that XML document by ' specifying the Node names in this parameter, seperated by commas (,). ' * NOTE - Usually there are only 2 nodes created when a recordset is converted to XML... ' "s:Schema" which contains the XML document's schema, and "rs:data" which contains the ' recordset's records and the records' fields as node attributes. ' strFilterSubNodes Optional. The recordset is converted to an XML document by the MSXML object. Once this ' occurs, you can specify which nodes to retrieve from that XML document via the ' "strFilterNodes". Using this parameter ("strFilterSubNodes") you can specify which ' recordset fields (node attributes) to return. ' blnIncludeRoot Optional. If set to TRUE, the root of the XML document is returned. Otherwise it is ' left off. ' blnMakeReadable Optional. If set to TRUE, the XML code returned includes vbCrLf and vbTab characters ' to make the code more readable. Otherwise they are left out to conserve file size. ' blnShowErrorMsgs Optional. If set to TRUE and an error occurs, an error message is displayed to the user. ' Return_ErrNum Optional. Returns the error number of any error that occured in this function. ' Return_ErrDesc Optional. Returns the error description of any error that occured in this function. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' Returns TRUE if the function executed successfully ' Returns FALSE if the function failed ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function xml_RS_to_XML(ByRef Return_XML As String, _ Optional ByRef rsRecordSet As ADODB.Recordset, _ Optional ByVal strAdoConnString As String, _ Optional ByVal strSqlStatement As String, _ Optional ByVal blnIsStoredProc As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal strFilterNodes As String, _ Optional ByVal strFilterSubNodes As String, _ Optional ByVal blnIncludeRoot As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal blnMakeReadable As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal blnShowErrorMsgs As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrNum As Long, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrDesc As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim rsResults As ADODB.Recordset Dim conConnection As ADODB.Connection Dim xmlResults As MSXML.DOMDocument Dim lnodList As MSXML.IXMLDOMNodeList Dim rnodRoot As MSXML.IXMLDOMElement Dim cnodChild As MSXML.IXMLDOMNode Dim cnodSubChild As MSXML.IXMLDOMNode Dim attNodeAttrib As MSXML.IXMLDOMAttribute Dim lngOptions As Long Dim blnDestroyRS As Boolean Dim strFilters() As String Dim intFiltersCount As Integer Dim strLineEnd As String Dim strTabChar As String Dim intCounter As Integer ' Clear the return variables Return_XML = "" Return_ErrNum = 0 Return_ErrDesc = "" Erase strFiltersSub intFiltersSubCount = 0 ' Add the processing instruction to the top of the XML document : ' (Note: This gets returned reguardless of whether the function succeeds or fails to make even a blank return valid XML) Return_XML = "" ' Validate parameters passed blnDestroyRS = True strAdoConnString = Trim(strAdoConnString) strSqlStatement = Trim(strSqlStatement) strFilterNodes = Trim(strFilterNodes) strFilterSubNodes = Trim(strFilterSubNodes) If blnMakeReadable = True Then strLineEnd = vbCrLf strTabChar = vbTab Else strLineEnd = "" strTabChar = " " End If ' If the user passed a recordset that is valid, use it. If not get it based on the connection information passed. ' Otherwise exit the function. If rsRecordSet Is Nothing Then If strAdoConnString = "" Then Exit Function Else Set conConnection = New ADODB.Connection ' Setup the connection object GoSub CheckError strAdoConnString ' Connect to the database GoSub CheckError lngOptions = adCmdText If blnIsStoredProc = True Then lngOptions = adCmdStoredProc Set rsResults = conConnection.Execute(strSqlStatement, , lngOptions) ' Retrieve the recordset from the DB GoSub CheckError End If Else blnDestroyRS = False Set rsResults = rsRecordSet End If ' Check if the recordset is EMPTY If rsResults.BOF = True And rsResults.EOF = True Then GoTo ExitOut If rsResults.State = adStateClosed Then GoTo ExitOut rsResults.MoveFirst ' Create the XML object to recieve the recordset Set xmlResults = New MSXML.DOMDocument GoSub CheckError ' Put the returned Recordset into XML to parse rsResults.Save xmlResults, adPersistXML rsResults.MoveFirst GoSub CheckError ' Get the filters passed If ParseFilters(strFilters, intFiltersCount, strFilterNodes) = False Then GoTo ExitOut ' Get the filters for sub-nodes If ParseFilters(strFiltersSub, intFiltersSubCount, strFilterSubNodes) = False Then GoTo ExitOut ' Get the XML root and loop through the root's attributes Set rnodRoot = xmlResults.documentElement GoSub CheckError If blnIncludeRoot = True Then Return_XML = Return_XML & strLineEnd & "<" & rnodRoot.nodeName & " " For Each attNodeAttrib In rnodRoot.Attributes Return_XML = Return_XML & strTabChar & attNodeAttrib.Name & "='" & attNodeAttrib.Text & "'" & strLineEnd Next Return_XML = Left(Return_XML, Len(Return_XML) - Len(strLineEnd)) ' Strip off the last cariage return Return_XML = Return_XML & ">" & strLineEnd End If ' Loop through the root's children nodes For Each cnodChild In rnodRoot.childNodes ' Parse only nodes specified in filter(s) If intFiltersCount > 0 Then For intCounter = 1 To intFiltersCount If UCase(strFilters(intCounter)) = UCase(cnodChild.nodeName) Then Return_XML = Return_XML & strTabChar & "<" & cnodChild.nodeName For Each attNodeAttrib In cnodChild.Attributes Return_XML = Return_XML & " " & attNodeAttrib.Name & "='" & attNodeAttrib.Text & "'" Next Return_XML = Return_XML & ">" & strLineEnd If cnodChild.hasChildNodes = True Then Return_XML = Return_XML & NodeLoop(cnodChild, strTabChar) Return_XML = Return_XML & strTabChar & "" & strLineEnd End If Next ' No filters, parse all nodes Else Return_XML = Return_XML & strTabChar & "<" & cnodChild.nodeName For Each attNodeAttrib In cnodChild.Attributes Return_XML = Return_XML & " " & attNodeAttrib.Name & "='" & attNodeAttrib.Text & "'" Next Return_XML = Return_XML & ">" & strLineEnd If cnodChild.hasChildNodes = True Then Return_XML = Return_XML & NodeLoop(cnodChild, strTabChar) Return_XML = Return_XML & strTabChar & "" & strLineEnd End If Next ' End the XML root If blnIncludeRoot = True Then Return_XML = Return_XML & "" ' Function executed successfully xml_RS_to_XML = True ExitOut: Erase strFilters Erase strFiltersSub intFiltersSubCount = 0 If blnDestroyRS = True Then If Not rsResults Is Nothing Then If rsResults.State <> adStateClosed Then rsResults.Close Set rsResults = Nothing End If End If If Not conConnection Is Nothing Then If conConnection.State <> adStateClosed Then conConnection.Close Set conConnection = Nothing End If Set xmlResults = Nothing Set lnodList = Nothing Set rnodRoot = Nothing Set cnodChild = Nothing Set cnodSubChild = Nothing Set attNodeAttrib = Nothing Exit Function CheckError: ' Check if an error occured Return_ErrNum = Err.Number Return_ErrDesc = Err.Description If Return_ErrNum = 0 Then Return ' An error did occur If blnShowErrorMsgs = True Then _ MsgBox "xml_RS_to_XML() caused the following error:" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Number = " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Description = " & Return_ErrDesc, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Error " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) Err.Clear Resume ExitOut End Function '============================================================================================================= ' xml_SaveXML ' ' Purpose: ' -------- ' This function takes the specified XML source and saves it to the specified save path. This function works ' with straight ASCII TEXT rather than MSXML objects so it is less error prone and more flexible. ' ' Param Use ' ------------------------------------ ' strXmlSource Specifies the XML source to save to the file (in string format) ' strSavePath Specifies the path to the file to save as. ' blnOverwriteExisting Optional. If TRUE and the file specified exists, the file will automatically ' be overwritten. ' blnPromptToOverwrite Optional. If the "blnOverwriteExisting" parameter is set to FALSE and this parameter ' is set to TRUE, the user will be prompted to overwrite the file. Otherwise the file ' is NOT overwritten and the function fails. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' Returns TRUE if the function executed successfully ' Returns FALSE if the function failed ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function xml_SaveXML(ByVal strXmlSource As String, _ ByVal strSavePath As String, _ Optional ByVal blnOverwriteExisting As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal blnPromptToOverwrite As Boolean = False) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim MyAnswer As VbMsgBoxResult Dim intFileNum As Integer ' Validate parameters strXmlSource = Trim(strXmlSource) If strXmlSource = "" Then Exit Function strSavePath = Trim(strSavePath) If strSavePath = "" Then Exit Function ' Check if the file exists already, if it does delete it If FileExists(strSavePath) = True Then If blnOverwriteExisting = False Then If blnPromptToOverwrite = False Then Exit Function Else MyAnswer = MsgBox(strSavePath & Chr(13) & "This file already exists." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Overwrite existing file?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, " Confirm File Overwrite") If MyAnswer <> vbYes Then Exit Function End If End If End If ' Delete any existing file Kill strSavePath ' Save the file out as a text intFileNum = FreeFile Open strSavePath For Output As #intFileNum Print #intFileNum, strXmlSource Close #intFileNum ' Function executed successfully xml_SaveXML = True End Function '============================================================================================================= ' xml_SaveXML_Ex ' ' Purpose: ' -------- ' This function takes the specified XML source and ' ' NOTE : If BOTH the "strXmlSource" and "xmlSource" parameters are passed, the "xmlSource" parameter is used ' If NEITHER parameter is passed, the function fails. ' ' Param Use ' ------------------------------------ ' ' Return: ' ------- ' Returns TRUE if the function executed successfully ' Returns FALSE if the function failed ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function xml_SaveXML_Ex(ByVal strSavePath As String, _ Optional ByVal strXmlSource As String, _ Optional ByRef xmlSource As MSXML.DOMDocument, _ Optional ByVal blnOverwriteExisting As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal blnPromptToOverwrite As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal blnShowErrorMsgs As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrNum As Long, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrDesc As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim xmlSave As MSXML.DOMDocument Dim MyAnswer As VbMsgBoxResult ' Erase the return variables Return_ErrNum = 0 Return_ErrDesc = "" ' Validate parameters strXmlSource = Trim(strXmlSource) strSavePath = Trim(strSavePath) If strSavePath = "" Then Exit Function If (strXmlSource = "") And (xmlSource Is Nothing) Then Exit Function ' Check if the file exists already, if it does delete it If FileExists(strSavePath) = True Then If blnOverwriteExisting = False Then If blnPromptToOverwrite = False Then Exit Function Else MyAnswer = MsgBox(strSavePath & Chr(13) & "This file already exists." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Overwrite existing file?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, " Confirm File Overwrite") If MyAnswer <> vbYes Then Exit Function End If End If End If ' The user passed the XML as an object If Not xmlSource Is Nothing Then xmlSource.Save strSavePath GoSub CheckError ' The user passed the XML as a string Else ' Create an XML object to save the file Set xmlSave = New MSXML.DOMDocument GoSub CheckError ' Load the specified XML source into the XML object If xmlSave.loadXML(strXmlSource) = False Then Return_ErrNum = Err.Number Return_ErrDesc = Err.Description If Return_ErrNum = 0 Then Return_ErrNum = -1 If Return_ErrDesc = "" Then Return_ErrDesc = "loadXML(strXmlSource) Failed" If blnShowErrorMsgs = True Then _ MsgBox "xml_SaveXML_Ex() caused the following error:" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Number = " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Description = " & Return_ErrDesc, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Error " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) Err.Clear If Not xmlSave Is Nothing Then Set xmlSave = Nothing Exit Function End If ' Delete any existing file Kill strSavePath ' Use XML to save the file out (XML adds some formatting) xmlSave.Save strSavePath If Not xmlSave Is Nothing Then Set xmlSave = Nothing End If ' Function executed successfully xml_SaveXML_Ex = True ExitOut: Exit Function CheckError: ' Check if an error occured Return_ErrNum = Err.Number Return_ErrDesc = Err.Description If Return_ErrNum = 0 Then Return ' An error did occured If blnShowErrorMsgs = True Then _ MsgBox "xml_SaveXML_Ex() caused the following error:" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Number = " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Description = " & Return_ErrDesc, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Error " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) Err.Clear If Not xmlSave Is Nothing Then Set xmlSave = Nothing Resume ExitOut End Function '============================================================================================================= ' xml_XML_to_RS ' ' Purpose: ' -------- ' This function takes an XML document and converts the specified node collection to a recordset and returns ' an ADODB.Recordset object. ' ' NOTE : The way this module works is it takes the node name specified by the "strNodeName" parameter and ' treats that like a recordset. This function will loop through the entire XML document looking ' for occurances of that node name, and if one is found will add another record to the recordset. ' The sub-nodes below the nodes (to the first level sub-nodes only) found with node names that match ' one of the fields specified in the "strFieldNames" parameter (commad delimited) will be added to ' the recordset. If the "blnSearchAttrib" parameter is set to TRUE, the attributes of the ' recordset nodes will be searched for the fields matching the ones specified in the "strFieldNames" ' parameter instead of sub-nodes (sub-nodes won't be searched in this case). ' ' NOTE : Specifying "BOOK" as the strNodeName parameter with fields specified in the strFieldNames ' parameter will return a recordset representing all nodes in the specified XML document with ' the name "BOOK". The sub-nodes or attributes (depending on the blnSearchAttrib parameter's ' setting) of those nodes which match the field names specified in the strFieldNames parameter ' will be returned as the field values of the records returned in the recordset. Likewise, ' specifying "BOOK/AUTHOR" as the strNodeName parameter will return all of the AUTHOR child ' nodes with a BOOK parent. ' ' NOTE : If BOTH the "strXmlSource" and "strLoadPath" parameters are specified, the "strLoadPath" ' parameter is used. If NEITHER are specified, the function fails. ' ' NOTE : If there are no child nodes matching the one specified in the "strNodeName" parameter, the ' function fails. ' ' NOTE : If nodes are found but none of those node's children have names that match any of the fields ' specified in the "strFieldNames" parameter, a blank ADODB.Recordset object is returned ' (no records in the recordset) ' ' Param Use ' ------------------------------------ ' Return_Recordset Returns an ADODB.Recordset object that represents the data found in the XML that ' matched the specified parameters. ' Return_RecordCount Returns the number of records returned in the "Return_Recordset" parameter ' strNodeName Optional. Specifies the name of the node to search for in the XML document and make ' a recordset from. YOu can use a "file path" approach with this parameter by passing ' "PARENT/CHILD/SUBCHILD" to access specific nodes that you know the parent(s) of. ' strFieldNames Optional. This is a comma delimited list of node names to look for under the node ' specified in the "strNodeName" parameter. This list will turn into the fields (columns) ' of the recordset object. ' strXmlSource Optional. Specifies the XML document in String form to be converted. If this ' parameter is not specified, then the "strLoadPath" parameter MUST be specified. ' strLoadPath Optional. Specifies the path to the XML document to load and convert to a Recordset. ' If this parameter is not specified, the "strXmlSource" parameter MUST be specified. ' blnSearchAttrib Optional. If set to TRUE, the attributes of the nodes specified in the "strNodeName" ' parameter will be searched instead of the sub-nodes. ' blnShowErrorMsgs Optional. If set to TRUE and an error occurs, an error message will be shown to the user. ' Return_ErrNum Optional. Returns the error number of any error that occured in the function. ' Return_ErrDesc Optional. Returns the error description of any error that occured in the function. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' Returns TRUE if the function executed successfully ' Returns FALSE if the function failed ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function xml_XML_to_RS(ByRef Return_Recordset As ADODB.Recordset, _ ByRef Return_RecordCount As Integer, _ ByVal strNodeName As String, _ ByVal strFieldNames As String, _ Optional ByVal strXmlSource As String, _ Optional ByVal strLoadPath As String, _ Optional ByVal blnSearchAttrib As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal blnShowErrorMsgs As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrNum As Long, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrDesc As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim xmlResults As MSXML.DOMDocument Dim lnodList As MSXML.IXMLDOMNodeList Dim cnodListItem As MSXML.IXMLDOMNode Dim cnodSubNode As MSXML.IXMLDOMNode Dim attNodeAttrib As MSXML.IXMLDOMAttribute Dim strFields() As String Dim intFieldsCount As Integer Dim intCounter As Integer ' Erase the return variables Return_ErrNum = 0 Return_ErrDesc = "" Return_RecordCount = 0 Set Return_Recordset = Nothing ' Validate parameters strXmlSource = Trim(strXmlSource) strLoadPath = Trim(strLoadPath) strNodeName = Trim(strNodeName) strFieldNames = Trim(strFieldNames) ' Make sure at least one XML source is specified If strXmlSource = "" And strLoadPath = "" Then Exit Function ' Make sure there is a node name and field name(s) specified If strNodeName = "" Or strFieldNames = "" Then Exit Function ' Get the filters passed If ParseFilters(strFields, intFieldsCount, strFieldNames) = False Then GoTo ExitOut ' Load the XML into an object I can retrieve the data from easily Err.Clear If xml_LoadXML_Ex(xmlResults, strXmlSource, strLoadPath, blnShowErrorMsgs, Return_ErrNum, Return_ErrDesc) = False Then GoTo ExitOut ' Get a list of all the nodes that match the specified strNodeName parameter 'Set lnodList = xmlResults.documentElement.selectNodes("*/" & strNodeName) Set lnodList = xmlResults.documentElement.getElementsByTagName(strNodeName) GoSub CheckError ' If there are no nodes matching the one specified in the strNodeNames, exit the function If lnodList.Length = 0 Then GoTo ExitOut ' Create the recordset that will store the information Set Return_Recordset = New ADODB.Recordset GoSub CheckError ' Add the fields specified to the Recordset object For intCounter = 1 To intFieldsCount Return_Recordset.Fields.Append strFields(intCounter), adBSTR, 150 Next ' Open the Recordset for use ' Loop through the nodes returned in the nodelist and store For Each cnodListItem In lnodList ' Add a record to the recordset for each node found Return_Recordset.AddNew ' Search the attributes of the nodes, not their sub-nodes If blnSearchAttrib = True Then For Each attNodeAttrib In cnodListItem.Attributes For intCounter = 1 To intFieldsCount If UCase(Trim(attNodeAttrib.Name)) = UCase(Trim(strFields(intCounter))) Then Return_Recordset(Trim(strFields(intCounter))).Value = attNodeAttrib.Text End If Next Next ' Search the sub-nodes of the nodes, not their attributes Else For Each cnodSubNode In cnodListItem.childNodes For intCounter = 1 To intFieldsCount If UCase(Trim(cnodSubNode.nodeName)) = UCase(Trim(strFields(intCounter))) Then Return_Recordset(Trim(strFields(intCounter))).Value = cnodSubNode.Text Exit For End If Next Next End If Next ' Function executed successfully Return_Recordset.MoveFirst Return_RecordCount = lnodList.Length xml_XML_to_RS = True ExitOut: Erase strFields Set xmlResults = Nothing Set lnodList = Nothing Set cnodListItem = Nothing Set cnodSubNode = Nothing Set attNodeAttrib = Nothing Exit Function CheckError: ' Check if an error occured Return_ErrNum = Err.Number Return_ErrDesc = Err.Description If Return_ErrNum = 0 Then Return Set Return_Recordset = Nothing Return_RecordCount = 0 ' An error did occur If blnShowErrorMsgs = True Then _ MsgBox "xml_XML_to_RS() caused the following error:" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Number = " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) & Chr(13) & _ "Error Description = " & Return_ErrDesc, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Error " & CStr(Return_ErrNum) Err.Clear Resume ExitOut End Function 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ' Checks to see if the specified file exists Private Function FileExists(ByVal FilePath As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap Dim intFileNum As Integer ' Validate parameter FilePath = Trim(FilePath) If FilePath = "" Then Exit Function ' Get available file number and try to open the file. If opens as READ-ONLY ok, then the file exists. intFileNum = FreeFile Open FilePath For Input As #intFileNum Close #intFileNum ' File exists FileExists = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: ' File doesn't exist, or error opening it Close #intFileNum Err.Clear End Function ' Loops through the specified node and gets it's nodes. This function is used by the "xml_RS_to_XML" function Private Function NodeLoop(ByRef cnodCurrentNode As MSXML.IXMLDOMNode, _ ByVal strTabChar As String) As String On Error Resume Next Dim cnodChild As MSXML.IXMLDOMNode Dim attChildAttribs As MSXML.IXMLDOMAttribute Dim intCounter As Integer ' Validate parameter If cnodCurrentNode Is Nothing Then Exit Function If cnodCurrentNode.hasChildNodes = False Then Exit Function ' Loop through the children nodes of the passed node For Each cnodChild In cnodCurrentNode.childNodes ' Parse only nodes specified in filter(s) If intFiltersSubCount > 0 Then For intCounter = 1 To intFiltersSubCount If UCase(strFiltersSub(intCounter)) = UCase(cnodChild.nodeName) Then NodeLoop = NodeLoop & strTabChar & "<" & cnodChild.nodeName For Each attChildAttribs In cnodChild.Attributes NodeLoop = NodeLoop & " " & attChildAttribs.Name & "='" & attChildAttribs.Text & "'" Next NodeLoop = NodeLoop & ">" & vbCrLf If cnodChild.hasChildNodes = True Then NodeLoop = NodeLoop & NodeLoop(cnodChild, strTabChar) NodeLoop = NodeLoop & strTabChar & "" & vbCrLf End If Next ' No filters, parse all nodes Else NodeLoop = NodeLoop & strTabChar & "<" & cnodChild.nodeName For Each attChildAttribs In cnodChild.Attributes NodeLoop = NodeLoop & " " & attChildAttribs.Name & "='" & attChildAttribs.Text & "'" Next NodeLoop = NodeLoop & ">" & vbCrLf If cnodChild.hasChildNodes = True Then NodeLoop = NodeLoop & NodeLoop(cnodChild, strTabChar) NodeLoop = NodeLoop & strTabChar & "" & vbCrLf End If Next Set cnodChild = Nothing Set attChildAttribs = Nothing End Function ' This function goes through a comma delimeted string and returns an array of strings that ' represent each of the items passed. ' ' NOTE : The returned array is 1 based, not the default 0 based. This makes looping easier. Private Function ParseFilters(ByRef Return_Filters() As String, _ ByRef Return_Count As Integer, _ ByVal strFilters As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim intCounter As Integer Dim strCharLeft As String Dim strCharRight As String Dim strStringSoFar As String ' Reset the return variables passed Return_Count = 0 Erase Return_Filters ' Verify parameters are valid strFilters = Trim(strFilters) If strFilters = "" Then ' No filters ParseFilters = True Exit Function End If If InStr(strFilters, ",") = 0 Then ' Only 1 filter Return_Count = 1 ReDim Preserve Return_Filters(1 To 1) As String Return_Filters(1) = strFilters ParseFilters = True Exit Function End If ' Loop through the filters passed and seperate them out For intCounter = 1 To Len(strFilters) strCharLeft = Left(strFilters, intCounter) strCharRight = Right(strCharLeft, 1) Select Case strCharRight Case Chr(13), Chr(10), " " ' Take these out Case "," ' Field seperator Return_Count = Return_Count + 1 ReDim Preserve Return_Filters(1 To Return_Count) As String Return_Filters(Return_Count) = Trim(strStringSoFar) strStringSoFar = "" Case Else ' Everything else strStringSoFar = strStringSoFar & strCharRight End Select Next ' Get the last one, because normally there isn't a comma at the end of the last filter If Right(strFilters, 1) <> "," Then Return_Count = Return_Count + 1 ReDim Preserve Return_Filters(1 To Return_Count) As String Return_Filters(Return_Count) = Trim(strStringSoFar) strStringSoFar = "" End If ' Function completed successfully ParseFilters = True End Function