Attribute VB_Name = "modBitmap" Option Explicit '============================================================================================================= ' ' modBitmap Module ' ---------------- ' ' Created By : Kevin Wilson ' ( The VB Zone ) ' ( The VB Zone .net ) ' ' Created On : January 17, 2001 ' Last Update : October 05, 2003 ' ' VB Versions : 5.0 / 6.0 ' ' Requires : NOTHING ' ' Description : This module is a collection of very useful functions designed for use with graphics ' manipulation. You can use it to find out information about pictures in memory, or to ' render such pictures on to specified Device Contexts (DC). ' ' If any of the functions in this module fail, you can most likely get extended error ' information by calling the "GetLastError" Win32 API function. ' ' Example Use : ' ' Dim TheHeight As Long ' Dim TheWidth As Long ' ' ' Show the form so you can see the drawing as it happens in debug mode (step by step) ' Me.Show ' ' ' Make the picture redraw itself so it doesn't go away if the form loses focus ' Picture1.AutoRedraw = True ' ' ' Get the height/width in pixels ' If Convert_HM_PX(Me.Picture.Height, Me.Picture.Width, TheHeight, TheWidth, True) = True Then ' ' ' Draw the picture onto the PictureBox object called "Picture1" and ' ' invert the colors by specifying "SCRINVERT" as the raster operation ' ' instead of the default "SCRCOPY" ' If RenderBitmapEx(Picture1.hDC, , Me.Picture.Handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, TheHeight, TheWidth, SRCINVERT, , , , True, Picture1.hWnd) = True Then ' Debug.Print "SUCCESS!" ' Else ' Debug.Print "FAILED!" ' End If ' End If ' ' ' Set the "Picture" property to equal the "Image" property ' Set Picture1.Picture = Picture1.Image ' '============================================================================================================= ' ' LEGAL: ' ' You are free to use this code as long as you keep the above heading information intact and unchanged. Credit ' given where credit is due. Also, it is not required, but it would be appreciated if you would mention ' somewhere in your compiled program that that your program makes use of code written and distributed by ' Kevin Wilson ( Feel free to link to this code via your web site or articles. ' ' You may NOT take this code and pass it off as your own. You may NOT distribute this code on your own server ' or web site. You may NOT take code created by Kevin Wilson ( and use it to create products, ' utilities, or applications that directly compete with products, utilities, and applications created by Kevin ' Wilson,, or Wilson Media. You may NOT take this code and sell it for profit without first ' obtaining the written consent of the author Kevin Wilson. ' ' These conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the owner Kevin Wilson at any time without ' warning or notice. Copyright© by Kevin Wilson. All rights reserved. ' '============================================================================================================= ' Type - General Public Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type ' Type - General Public Type POINTAPI X As Long Y As Long End Type ' Type - GetEnhMetaFileHeader.lpEMH.(rclBounds/rclFrame) Public Type RECTL Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type ' Type - GetEnhMetaFileHeader.lpEMH.(szlDevice/szlMillimeters/szlMicrometers) Public Type SIZEL cx As Long cy As Long End Type ' Type - OleCreatePictureIndirect Public Type GUID Data1 As Long Data2 As Integer Data3 As Integer Data4(7) As Byte End Type ' Type - OleCreatePictureIndirect / OleLoadPicture Public Type PICTDESC_ALL cbSizeOfStruct As Long 'UINT // Size of the PICTDESC structure. PicType As Long 'UINT // Type of picture described by this structure, which can be any of the following values: PICTYPE_UNINITIALIZED, PICTYPE_NONE, PICTYPE_BITMAP, PICTYPE_METAFILE, PICTYPE_ICON, PICTYPE_ENHMETAFILE hPicture As Long 'LPVLOID // Pointer to the bits that make up the picture. This varies depending on the type of picture (see following structures) hPalette As Long 'HPALETTE // Pointer to the picture's palette (where applicable) Reserved As Long ' // Reserved End Type ' Type - OleCreatePictureIndirect / OleLoadPicture Public Type PICTDESC_BMP 'picType = PICTYPE_BITMAP cbSizeOfStruct As Long 'UINT // Size of the PICTDESC structure. PicType As Long 'UINT // Type of picture described by this structure, which can be any of the following values: PICTYPE_UNINITIALIZED, PICTYPE_NONE, PICTYPE_BITMAP, PICTYPE_METAFILE, PICTYPE_ICON, PICTYPE_ENHMETAFILE hBitmap As Long 'HBITMAP // The HBITMAP identifying the bitmap assigned to the picture object. hPal As Long 'HPALETTE // The HPALETTE identifying the color palette for the bitmap. End Type ' Type - OleCreatePictureIndirect / OleLoadPicture Public Type PICTDESC_META 'picType = PICTYPE_METAFILE cbSizeOfStruct As Long 'UINT // Size of the PICTDESC structure. PicType As Long 'UINT // Type of picture described by this structure, which can be any of the following values: PICTYPE_UNINITIALIZED, PICTYPE_NONE, PICTYPE_BITMAP, PICTYPE_METAFILE, PICTYPE_ICON, PICTYPE_ENHMETAFILE hMeta As Long 'HMETAFILE // The HMETAFILE handle identifying the metafile assigned to the picture object. xExt As Long 'int // Horizontal extent of the metafile in HIMETRIC units. yExt As Long 'int // Vertical extent of the metafile in HIMETRIC units. End Type ' Type - OleCreatePictureIndirect / OleLoadPicture Public Type PICTDESC_ICON 'picType = PICTYPE_ICON cbSizeOfStruct As Long 'UINT // Size of the PICTDESC structure. PicType As Long 'UINT // Type of picture described by this structure, which can be any of the following values: PICTYPE_UNINITIALIZED, PICTYPE_NONE, PICTYPE_BITMAP, PICTYPE_METAFILE, PICTYPE_ICON, PICTYPE_ENHMETAFILE hIcon As Long 'HICON // The HICON identifying the icon assigned to the picture object. End Type ' Type - OleCreatePictureIndirect / OleLoadPicture Public Type PICTDESC_EMETA 'picType = PICTYPE_ENHMETAFILE cbSizeOfStruct As Long 'UINT // Size of the PICTDESC structure. PicType As Long 'UINT // Type of picture described by this structure, which can be any of the following values: PICTYPE_UNINITIALIZED, PICTYPE_NONE, PICTYPE_BITMAP, PICTYPE_METAFILE, PICTYPE_ICON, PICTYPE_ENHMETAFILE hEMF As Long 'HENHMETAFILE // The HENHMETAFILE identifying the enhanced metafile to assign to the picture object. End Type ' Type - GetObjectAPI.lpObject Public Type BITMAP bmType As Long 'LONG // Specifies the bitmap type. This member must be zero. bmWidth As Long 'LONG // Specifies the width, in pixels, of the bitmap. The width must be greater than zero. bmHeight As Long 'LONG // Specifies the height, in pixels, of the bitmap. The height must be greater than zero. bmWidthBytes As Long 'LONG // Specifies the number of bytes in each scan line. This value must be divisible by 2, because Windows assumes that the bit values of a bitmap form an array that is word aligned. bmPlanes As Integer 'WORD // Specifies the count of color planes. bmBitsPixel As Integer 'WORD // Specifies the number of bits required to indicate the color of a pixel. bmBits As Long 'LPVOID // Points to the location of the bit values for the bitmap. The bmBits member must be a long pointer to an array of character (1-byte) values. End Type ' Type - CreateIconIndirect / GetIconInfo Public Type ICONINFO fIcon As Long 'BOOL // Specifies whether this structure defines an icon or a cursor. A value of TRUE specifies an icon; FALSE specifies a cursor. xHotspot As Long 'DWORD // Specifies the x-coordinate of a cursor’s hot spot. If this structure defines an icon, the hot spot is always in the center of the icon, and this member is ignored. yHotspot As Long 'DWORD // Specifies the y-coordinate of the cursor’s hot spot. If this structure defines an icon, the hot spot is always in the center of the icon, and this member is ignored. hbmMask As Long 'HBITMAP // Specifies the icon bitmask bitmap. If this structure defines a black and white icon, this bitmask is formatted so that the upper half is the icon AND bitmask and the lower half is the icon XOR bitmask. Under this condition, the height should be an even multiple of two. If this structure defines a color icon, this mask only defines the AND bitmask of the icon. hbmColor As Long 'HBITMAP // Identifies the icon color bitmap. This member can be optional if this structure defines a black and white icon. The AND bitmask of hbmMask is applied with the SRCAND flag to the destination; subsequently, the color bitmap is applied (using XOR) to the destination by using the SRCINVERT flag. End Type ' Type - GetEnhMetaFileHeader.lpEMH Public Type ENHMETAHEADER iType As Long 'DWORD // Specifies the record type. This member must specify the value assigned to the EMR_HEADER constant. nSize As Long 'DWORD // Specifies the structure size, in bytes. rclBounds As RECTL 'RECTL // Specifies the dimensions, in device units, of the smallest rectangle that can be drawn around the picture stored in the metafile. This rectangle is supplied by graphics device interface (GDI). Its dimensions include the right and bottom edges. rclFrame As RECTL 'RECTL // Specifies the dimensions, in .01 millimeter units, of a rectangle that surrounds the picture stored in the metafile. This rectangle must be supplied by the application that creates the metafile. Its dimensions include the right and bottom edges. dSignature As Long 'DWORD // Specifies a double word signature. This member must specify the value assigned to the ENHMETA_SIGNATURE constant. nVersion As Long 'DWORD // Specifies the metafile version. The current version value is 0x10000. nBytes As Long 'DWORD // Specifies the size of the enhanced metafile, in bytes. nRecords As Long 'DWORD // Specifies the number of records in the enhanced metafile. nHandles As Integer 'WORD // Specifies the number of handles in the enhanced-metafile handle table. (Index zero in this table is reserved.) sReserved As Integer 'WORD // Reserved; must be zero. nDescription As Long 'DWORD // Specifies the number of characters in the array that contains the description of the enhanced metafile's contents. This member should be set to zero if the enhanced metafile does not contain a description string. offDescription As Long 'DWORD // Specifies the offset from the beginning of the ENHMETAHEADER structure to the array that contains the description of the enhanced metafile's contents. This member should be set to zero if the enhanced metafile does not contain a description string. nPalEntries As Long 'DWORD // Specifies the number of entries in the enhanced metafile's palette. szlDevice As SIZEL 'SIZEL // Specifies the resolution of the reference device, in pixels. szlMillimeters As SIZEL 'SIZEL // Specifies the resolution of the reference device, in millimeters. cbPixelFormat As Long 'DWORD // Windows 95/98, Windows NT4.0 and later: Specifies the size of the last recorded pixel format in a metafile. If a pixel format is set in a reference DC at the start of recording, cbPixelFormat is set to the size of the PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR. When no pixel format is set when a metafile is recorded, this member is set to zero. If more than a single pixel format is set, the header points to the last pixel format. offPixelFormat As Long 'DWORD // Windows 95/98, Windows NT4.0 and later: Specifies the offset of pixel format used when recording a metafile. If a pixel format is set in a reference DC at the start of recording or during recording, offPixelFormat is set to the offset of the PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR in the metafile. If no pixel format is set when a metafile is recorded, this member is set to zero. If more than a single pixel format is set, the header points to the last pixel format. bOpenGL As Long 'DWORD // Windows 95/98, Windows NT4.0 and later: Specifies whether any OpenGL records are present in a metafile. bOpenGL is a simple Boolean flag that you can use to determine whether an enhanced metafile requires OpenGL handling. When a metafile contains OpenGL records, bOpenGL is TRUE; otherwise it is FALSE. ' szlMicrometers As SIZEL 'SIZEL // Windows 98, Windows 2000 : Size of the reference device in micrometers. End Type ' Constants - BitBlt.dwRop Public Enum RasterOperations SRCCOPY = &HCC0020 ' Copies the source rectangle directly to the destination rectangle. SRCPAINT = &HEE0086 ' Combines the colors of the source and destination rectangles by using the Boolean OR operator. SRCAND = &H8800C6 ' Combines the colors of the source and destination rectangles by using the Boolean AND operator. SRCINVERT = &H660046 ' Combines the colors of the source and destination rectangles by using the Boolean XOR operator. SRCERASE = &H440328 ' Combines the inverted colors of the destination rectangle with the colors of the source rectangle by using the Boolean AND operator. NOTSRCCOPY = &H330008 ' Copies the inverted source rectangle to the destination. NOTSRCERASE = &H1100A6 ' Combines the colors of the source and destination rectangles by using the Boolean OR operator and then inverts the resultant color. MERGECOPY = &HC000CA ' Merges the colors of the source rectangle with the brush currently selected in hdcDest, by using the Boolean AND operator. MERGEPAINT = &HBB0226 ' Merges the colors of the inverted source rectangle with the colors of the destination rectangle by using the Boolean OR operator. PATCOPY = &HF00021 ' Copies the brush currently selected in hdcDest, into the destination bitmap. PATPAINT = &HFB0A09 ' Combines the colors of the brush currently selected in hdcDest, with the colors of the inverted source rectangle by using the Boolean OR operator. The result of this operation is combined with the colors of the destination rectangle by using the Boolean OR operator. PATINVERT = &H5A0049 ' Combines the colors of the brush currently selected in hdcDest, with the colors of the destination rectangle by using the Boolean XOR operator. DSTINVERT = &H550009 ' Inverts the destination rectangle. BLACKNESS = &H42 ' Fills the destination rectangle using the color associated with index 0 in the physical palette. (This color is black for the default physical palette.) WHITENESS = &HFF0062 ' Fills the destination rectangle using the color associated with index 1 in the physical palette. (This color is white for the default physical palette.) NOMIRRORBITMAP = &H80000000 ' Windows 98, Windows 2000: Prevents the bitmap from being mirrored. CAPTUREBLT = &H40000000 ' Windows 98, Windows 2000: Includes any windows that are layered on top of your window in the resulting image. By default, the image only contains your window. End Enum ' Constants - LoadResData Public Enum ResTypes RT_BITMAP = vbResBitmap RT_ICON = vbResIcon RT_CURSOR = vbResCursor rt_Custom = 3 End Enum ' Constants - BITMAP.bmType & CopyImage.uType Public Enum PictureTypes IMAGE_BITMAP = 0 IMAGE_CURSOR = 1 IMAGE_ICON = 2 IMAGE_ENHMETAFILE = 3 End Enum ' Constants - General Public Const MAX_PATH = 260 ' Constants - ENHMETAHEADER.iType Public Const EMR_HEADER = 1 ' Constants - ENHMETAHEADER.dSignature Public Const ENHMETA_SIGNATURE = &H20454D46 ' Constants - PICTDESC.picType Public Const PICTYPE_UNINITIALIZED = -1 ' The picture object is currently uninitialized. Public Const PICTYPE_NONE = 0 ' A new picture object is to be created without an initialized state. This value is valid only in the PICTDESC structure. Public Const PICTYPE_BITMAP = 1 ' The picture type is a bitmap. When this value occurs in the PICTDESC structure, it means that the bmp field of that structure contains the relevant initialization parameters. Public Const PICTYPE_METAFILE = 2 ' The picture type is a metafile. When this value occurs in the PICTDESC structure, it means that the wmf field of that structure contains the relevant initialization parameters. Public Const PICTYPE_ICON = 3 ' The picture type is an icon. When this value occurs in the PICTDESC structure, it means that the icon field of that structure contains the relevant initialization parameters. Public Const PICTYPE_ENHMETAFILE = 4 ' The picture type is a Win32-enhanced metafile. When this value occurs in the PICTDESC structure, it means that the emf field of that structure contains the relevant initialization parameters. ' Constants - GetDeviceCaps.nIndex Public Const HORZSIZE = 4 ' Width, in millimeters, of the physical screen. Public Const VERTSIZE = 6 ' Height, in millimeters, of the physical screen. Public Const HORZRES = 8 ' Width, in pixels, of the screen. Public Const VERTRES = 10 ' Height, in raster lines, of the screen. Public Const BITSPIXEL = 12 ' Number of adjacent color bits for each pixel. ' Constants - OleCreateBitmapIndiect (Return Values) Public Const S_OK = 0 ' The new picture object was created successfully. Public Const E_NOINTERFACE = &H80004002 ' The object does not support the interface specified in riid. Public Const E_POINTER = &H80004003 ' The address in pPictDesc or ppvObj is not valid. For example, it may be NULL. Public Const E_INVALIDARG = &H80000003 ' One or more arguments are invalid Public Const E_OUTOFMEMORY = &H8007000E ' Ran out of memory Public Const E_UNEXPECTED = &H8000FFFF ' Catastrophic failure ' Constants - GetCurrentObject.uObjectType Public Const OBJ_BITMAP = 7 ' Returns the current selected bitmap Public Const OBJ_BRUSH = 2 ' Returns the current selected brush Public Const OBJ_COLORSPACE = 14 ' Returns the current color space Public Const OBJ_FONT = 6 ' Returns the current selected font Public Const OBJ_PAL = 5 ' Returns the current selected pal Public Const OBJ_PEN = 1 ' Returns the current selected pen ' Constants - CopyImage.fuFlags Public Const LR_COPYDELETEORG = &H8 ' Deletes the original image after creating the copy. Public Const LR_COPYFROMRESOURCE = &H4000 ' Tries to reload an icon or cursor resource from the original resource file rather than simply copying the current image. This is useful for creating a different-sized copy when the resource file contains multiple sizes of the resource. Without this flag, CopyImage stretches the original image to the new size. If this flag is set, CopyImage uses the size in the resource file closest to the desired size. This will succeed only if hImage was loaded by LoadIcon or LoadCursor, or by LoadImage with the LR_SHARED flag. Public Const LR_COPYRETURNORG = &H4 ' Returns the original hImage if it satisfies the criteria for the copy—that is, correct dimensions and color depth—in which case the LR_COPYDELETEORG flag is ignored. If this flag is not specified, a new object is always created. Public Const LR_CREATEDIBSECTION = &H2000 ' If this is set and a new bitmap is created, the bitmap is created as a DIB section. Otherwise, the bitmap image is created as a device-dependent bitmap. This flag is only valid if uType is IMAGE_BITMAP. Public Const LR_MONOCHROME = &H1 ' Creates a new monochrome image. ' Constants - RedrawWindow.fuRedraw Public Const RDW_ERASE = &H4 Public Const RDW_FRAME = &H400 Public Const RDW_INTERNALPAINT = &H2 Public Const RDW_INVALIDATE = &H1 Public Const RDW_NOERASE = &H20 Public Const RDW_NOFRAME = &H800 Public Const RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT = &H10 Public Const RDW_VALIDATE = &H8 Public Const RDW_ERASENOW = &H200 Public Const RDW_UPDATENOW = &H100 Public Const RDW_ALLCHILDREN = &H80 Public Const RDW_NOCHILDREN = &H40 ' Constants - DrawIconEx.diFlags Public Const DI_MASK = &H1 ' Performs the raster operation specified by ropMask. Public Const DI_IMAGE = &H2 ' Performs the raster operation specified by ropImage. Public Const DI_NORMAL = &H3 ' Combination of DI_IMAGE and DI_MASK. Public Const DI_COMPAT = &H4 ' Draws the icon or cursor using the system default image rather than the user-specified image. Public Const DI_DEFAULTSIZE = &H8 ' Draws the icon or cursor using the width and height specified by the system metric values for cursors or icons, if the cxWidth and cyWidth parameters are set to zero. If this flag is not specified and cxWidth and cyWidth are set to zero, the function uses the actual resource size. ' Constants - SetStretchBltMode.iStretchMode Public Const BLACKONWHITE = 1 ' Performs a Boolean AND operation using the color values for the eliminated and existing pixels. If the bitmap is a monochrome bitmap, this mode preserves black pixels at the expense of white pixels. Public Const WHITEONBLACK = 2 ' Performs a Boolean OR operation using the color values for the eliminated and existing pixels. If the bitmap is a monochrome bitmap, this mode preserves white pixels at the expense of black pixels. Public Const COLORONCOLOR = 3 ' Deletes the pixels. This mode deletes all eliminated lines of pixels without trying to preserve their information. Public Const HALFTONE = 4 ' Maps pixels from the source rectangle into blocks of pixels in the destination rectangle. The average color over the destination block of pixels approximates the color of the source pixels. After setting the HALFTONE stretching mode, an application must call the SetBrushOrgEx function to set the brush origin. If it fails to do so, brush misalignment occurs. Public Const MAXSTRETCHBLTMODE = 4 ' (undocumented) Public Const STRETCH_ANDSCANS = BLACKONWHITE ' Same as BLACKONWHITE. Public Const STRETCH_ORSCANS = WHITEONBLACK ' Same as WHITEONBLACK. Public Const STRETCH_DELETESCANS = COLORONCOLOR ' Same as COLORONCOLOR. Public Const STRETCH_HALFTONE = HALFTONE ' Same as HALFTONE. ' Win32 Function Declarations Public Declare Function BitBlt Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hDC_Destination As Long, ByVal X_Dest As Long, ByVal Y_Dest As Long, ByVal Width_Dest As Long, ByVal Height_Dest As Long, ByVal hDC_Source As Long, ByVal X_Src As Long, ByVal Y_Src As Long, ByVal RasterOperation As Long) As Long Public Declare Function CopyCursor Lib "USER32.DLL" (ByVal pCursor As Long) As Long Public Declare Function CopyImage Lib "USER32.DLL" (ByVal hImage As Long, ByVal uType As Long, ByVal OutputWidth As Long, ByVal OutputHeight As Long, ByVal fuFlags As Long) As Long Public Declare Function CopyIcon Lib "USER32.DLL" (ByVal hIcon As Long) As Long Public Declare Function CreateBitmap Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal cPlanes As Long, ByVal cBitsPerPel As Long, ByRef lpvBits As Any) As Long Public Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long) As Long Public Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long Public Declare Function CreateIconIndirect Lib "USER32.DLL" (ByRef pICONINFO As ICONINFO) As Long Public Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long Public Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hGDIObj As Long) As Long Public Declare Function DestroyIcon Lib "USER32.DLL" (ByVal hIcon As Long) As Long Public Declare Function DrawIconEx Lib "USER32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal hIcon As Long, ByVal IconWidth As Long, ByVal IconHeight As Long, ByVal AniFrameIndex As Long, ByVal hbrFlickerFreeDraw As Long, ByVal diFlags As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetCurrentObject Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal uObjectType As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetDC Lib "USER32.DLL" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "USER32.DLL" () As Long Public Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetEnhMetaFileHeader Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hEnhancedMetafile As Long, ByVal BufferSize As Long, ByRef lpEMH As ENHMETAHEADER) As Long Public Declare Function GetIconInfo Lib "USER32.DLL" (ByVal hIcon As Long, ByRef pICONINFO As ICONINFO) As Long Public Declare Function GetMapMode Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetObjectAPI Lib "GDI32.DLL" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, lpObject As Any) As Long Public Declare Function GetPixel Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal XPos As Long, ByVal nYPos As Long) As Long Public Declare Function OleCreatePictureIndirect Lib "olepro32.dll" (ByRef PicDesc As Any, ByRef RefIID As GUID, ByVal fPictureOwnsHandle As Long, ByRef IPic As StdPicture) As Long 'As IPicture) As Long Public Declare Function OleTranslateColor Lib "olepro32.dll" (ByVal OLE_COLOR As Long, ByVal hPalette As Long, pColorRef As Long) As Long Public Declare Function RedrawWindow Lib "USER32.DLL" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lprcUpdate As Any, ByVal hrgnUpdate As Long, ByVal fuRedraw As Long) As Long Public Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "USER32.DLL" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SelectObject Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hGDIObj As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SetBkColor Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SetMapMode Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nMapMode As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SetPixel Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SetStretchBltMode Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal iStretchMode As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SetBrushOrgEx Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nXOrg As Long, ByVal nYOrg As Long, ByRef lpPoint As Any) As Long Public Declare Function StretchBlt Lib "GDI32.DLL" (ByVal hDC_Destination As Long, ByVal X_Dest As Long, ByVal Y_Dest As Long, ByVal New_Width As Long, ByVal New_Height As Long, ByVal hDC_Source As Long, ByVal X_Src As Long, ByVal Y_Src As Long, ByVal Orig_Width As Long, ByVal Orig_Height As Long, ByVal RasterOperation As Long) As Long '============================================================================================================= ' ' Convert_HM_PX ' ' When dealing with the "Picture" property of VB objects such as PictureBox or Form, or StdPicture ' objects, the Height & Width properties of such is not measured in Pixels or Twips... but in something ' called "HiMetric". This function takes the height and width measurements of a picture in HiMetric ' and converts it to Pixels so that it can be used with standard Win32 API calls, or with VB objects ' that have their "ScaleMode" property set to "vbPixels" ' ' NOTE - You can also use the "GetBitmapInfo" function to get the height and/or width of a picture ' in pixels. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' InputHeight Optional. Specifies the height of the picture in HiMetric ' InputWidth Optional. Specifies the width of the picture in HiMetric ' OutputHeight Optional. Returns the height of the picture in Pixels (if InputHeight is valid) ' OutputWidth Optional. Returns the width of the picture in Pixels (if InputWidth is valid) ' VB_Picture Optional. If set to TRUE, the calculation used to get the desired return value ' uses the Screen.TwipsPerPixel properties to get the TwipsPerPixel instead of ' using a more accurate calculation of TwipsPerPixel. The return value is correct ' for use with the Picture property of VB objects like PictureBox, & StdPicture. ' If set to FALSE, the calculation used to get the desired return value uses a ' calculation to get and use a more accurate measurement of the TwipsPerPixel. ' This is more accurate for use with Win32 API calls. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' ' -------------------------------------------------- ' These type definitions were taken from OCIDL.H ' -------------------------------------------------- ' typedef LONG OLE_XPOS_HIMETRIC; ' typedef LONG OLE_YPOS_HIMETRIC; ' typedef LONG OLE_XSIZE_HIMETRIC; ' typedef LONG OLE_YSIZE_HIMETRIC; ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function Convert_HM_PX(Optional ByVal InputHeight As Long, _ Optional ByVal InputWidth As Long, _ Optional ByRef OutputHeight As Long, _ Optional ByRef OutputWidth As Long, _ Optional ByVal VB_Picture As Boolean = True) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim TwipsX As Single Dim TwipsY As Single ' Reset the return values OutputHeight = 0 OutputWidth = 0 ' Make sure the parameters passed are valid If InputHeight = 0 And InputWidth = 0 Then Exit Function ' If the user specifies to do the convertion for a Visual Basic Picture, use the ' "Screen" object to get the approximate TwipsPerPixel If VB_Picture = True Then OutputWidth = CLng(((InputWidth / 2540) * 1440) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) OutputHeight = CLng(((InputHeight / 2540) * 1440) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) ' If the user doesn't specify to do the convertion for a Visual Basic Picture, assume ' it's for a Win32 API call and calculate the exact TwipsPerPixel to be more accurate Else If GetDisplayInfo(, , TwipsX, TwipsY) = False Then Exit Function OutputWidth = CLng((InputWidth / 2540 * 1440) / TwipsX) OutputHeight = CLng((InputHeight / 2540 * 1440) / TwipsY) End If ' Function succeeded Convert_HM_PX = True End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' Convert_PX_HM ' ' When dealing with the "Picture" property of VB objects such as PictureBox or Form, or StdPicture ' objects, the Height & Width properties of such is not measured in Pixels or Twips... but in something ' called "HiMetric". This function takes the height and width measurements of a picture in Pixels ' and converts it to HiMetric so that it can be used with VB calls, etc. ' ' NOTE - When the "VB_Picture" parameter is set to FALSE, the return values of this function are VERY ' close, but not exact because of how the calculations and number rounding works. To see this effect, ' use the Convert_HM_PX function to take the height/width of a picture and convert them to pixels... ' then take the return values from that and use this function to convert them back to their original ' HiMetrics measurement. The results will be very close, but not exact. This shouldn't be a problem ' because I would think it would be a rare thing that you'd want to convert Pixels to HiMetric (I even ' considered leaving this function out of the module). ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' InputHeight Optional. Specifies the height of the picture in Pixels ' InputWidth Optional. Specifies the width of the picture in Pixels ' OutputHeight Optional. Returns the height of the picture in HiMetric (if InputHeight is valid) ' OutputWidth Optional. Returns the width of the picture in HiMetric (if InputWidth is valid) ' VB_Picture Optional. If set to TRUE, the calculation used to get the desired return value ' uses the Screen.TwipsPerPixel properties to get the TwipsPerPixel instead of ' using a more accurate calculation of TwipsPerPixel. The return value is correct ' for use with the Picture property of VB objects like PictureBox, & StdPicture. ' If set to FALSE, the calculation used to get the desired return value uses a ' calculation to get and use a more accurate measurement of the TwipsPerPixel. ' This is more accurate for use with Win32 API calls. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' ' -------------------------------------------------- ' These type definitions were taken from OCIDL.H ' -------------------------------------------------- ' typedef LONG OLE_XPOS_HIMETRIC; ' typedef LONG OLE_YPOS_HIMETRIC; ' typedef LONG OLE_XSIZE_HIMETRIC; ' typedef LONG OLE_YSIZE_HIMETRIC; ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function Convert_PX_HM(ByVal InputHeight As Long, _ ByVal InputWidth As Long, _ ByRef OutputHeight As Long, _ ByRef OutputWidth As Long, _ Optional ByVal VB_Picture As Boolean = True) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim TwipsX As Single Dim TwipsY As Single ' Reset the return values OutputHeight = 0 OutputWidth = 0 ' Make sure the parameters passed are valid If InputHeight = 0 And InputWidth = 0 Then Exit Function ' If the user specifies to do the convertion for a Visual Basic Picture, use the ' "Screen" object to get the approximate TwipsPerPixel If VB_Picture = True Then OutputHeight = CLng(((InputHeight * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) / 1440) * 2540) OutputWidth = CLng(((InputWidth * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) / 1440) * 2540) ' If the user doesn't specify to do the convertion for a Visual Basic Picture, assume ' it's for a Win32 API call and calculate the exact TwipsPerPixel to be more accurate Else If GetDisplayInfo(, , TwipsX, TwipsY) = False Then Exit Function OutputHeight = CLng(((InputHeight * TwipsX) / 1440) * 2540) OutputWidth = CLng(((InputWidth * TwipsY) / 1440) * 2540) End If ' Function succeeded Convert_PX_HM = True End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' CopyPicture ' ' This function takes the handle to the picture passed in via the "IN_hPicture" parameter and makes a ' copy of it... returning it via the "OUT_hPicture" parameter. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' IN_hPicture Specifies the handle to the picture to copy ' OUT_hPicture Returns the newly created copy of the original picture ' PictureType Optional. Specifies the type of image to copy (Bitmap, Icon, Cursor, Enh Metafile) ' PictureWidth Optional. Specifies the width of the image to copy. If this is not specified, ' this function attempts to get the width from the image. ' PictureHeight Optional. Specifies the height of the image to copy. If this is not specified, ' this function attempts to get the height from the image. ' ReturnMonochrome Optional. If set to TRUE, the return is a black and white version of the image ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function CopyPicture(ByVal IN_hPicture As Long, _ ByRef OUT_hPicture As Long, _ Optional ByVal PictureType As PictureTypes = IMAGE_BITMAP, _ Optional ByVal PictureWidth As Long, _ Optional ByVal PictureHeight As Long, _ Optional ByVal ReturnMonochrome As Boolean = False) As Boolean Dim TempEMH As ENHMETAHEADER Dim TempBITMAP As BITMAP Dim hBMP_Mask As Long Dim hBMP_Image As Long Dim ReturnValue As Long Dim Flags As Long ' Set the default return value OUT_hPicture = 0 ' Make sure parameters passed are valid If IN_hPicture = 0 Then Exit Function ' Get the dimentions and type of picture to copy If PictureWidth = 0 Or PictureHeight = 0 Then Select Case PictureType Case IMAGE_BITMAP If GetObjectAPI(IN_hPicture, Len(TempBITMAP), TempBITMAP) = 0 Then Exit Function PictureWidth = TempBITMAP.bmWidth PictureHeight = TempBITMAP.bmHeight Case IMAGE_ICON, IMAGE_CURSOR If GetIconBitmaps(IN_hPicture, hBMP_Mask, hBMP_Image) = False Then Exit Function ReturnValue = GetObjectAPI(hBMP_Image, Len(TempBITMAP), TempBITMAP) DeleteObject hBMP_Mask DeleteObject hBMP_Image If ReturnValue = 0 Then Exit Function PictureWidth = TempBITMAP.bmWidth PictureHeight = TempBITMAP.bmHeight Case IMAGE_ENHMETAFILE TempEMH.nSize = Len(TempEMH) TempEMH.iType = EMR_HEADER TempEMH.dSignature = ENHMETA_SIGNATURE TempEMH.nVersion = &H10000 If GetEnhMetaFileHeader(IN_hPicture, Len(TempEMH), TempEMH) = 0 Then Exit Function PictureWidth = TempEMH.rclBounds.Right PictureHeight = TempEMH.rclBounds.Bottom End Select End If ' Copy the image If ReturnMonochrome = True Then Flags = LR_MONOCHROME OUT_hPicture = CopyImage(IN_hPicture, CLng(PictureType), PictureWidth, PictureHeight, Flags) If OUT_hPicture <> 0 Then CopyPicture = True End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' CreateCursorFromBMP ' ' This function takes the handle to the mask and image BITMAPS that make up an cursor, and combine them ' to make a transparent icon. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' hBMP_Mask Handle to the mask BITMAP to use ' hBMP_Image Handle to the image BITMAP to use ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is the handle to the newly created icon ' If the function fails, the return is ZERO (0) ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function CreateCursorFromBMP(ByVal hBMP_Mask As Long, _ ByVal hBMP_Image As Long, _ Optional ByVal HotspotX As Long, _ Optional ByVal HotspotY As Long) As Long Dim TempICONINFO As ICONINFO If hBMP_Mask = 0 Or hBMP_Image = 0 Then Exit Function TempICONINFO.fIcon = 0 TempICONINFO.hbmMask = hBMP_Mask TempICONINFO.hbmColor = hBMP_Image TempICONINFO.xHotspot = HotspotX TempICONINFO.yHotspot = HotspotY CreateCursorFromBMP = CreateIconIndirect(TempICONINFO) End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' CreateIconFromBMP ' ' This function takes the handle to the mask and image BITMAPS that make up an icon, and combine them ' to make a transparent icon. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' hBMP_Mask Handle to the mask BITMAP to use ' hBMP_Image Handle to the image BITMAP to use ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is the handle to the newly created icon ' If the function fails, the return is ZERO (0) ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function CreateIconFromBMP(ByVal hBMP_Mask As Long, _ ByVal hBMP_Image As Long) As Long Dim TempICONINFO As ICONINFO If hBMP_Mask = 0 Or hBMP_Image = 0 Then Exit Function TempICONINFO.fIcon = 1 TempICONINFO.hbmMask = hBMP_Mask TempICONINFO.hbmColor = hBMP_Image CreateIconFromBMP = CreateIconIndirect(TempICONINFO) End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' CreateMask ' ' This function takes the specified picture and creates a sprite and a mask from it. The sprite is the ' same as the original picture, but the color that is specified by the "TransparentColor" parameter is ' changed to WHITE (this serves to designate where the transparency will be). The mask is a black ' silhouette of the original picture with a white background. ' ' When the mask is combined with another picture using the Win32 "BitBlt" API with the "MERGEPAINT" ' raster operation, it puts a white silhouette of the original picture (without the transparent region). ' When the sprite is combined with the picture that the mask was combined with in the same location ' as the mask using the Win32 "BitBlt" API with the "SRCAND" raster operation, the original picture is ' displayed on the picture as a transparent picture (the specified background color, or transparent ' color no longer shows up. ' ' ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ' Dim PicBG As StdPicture ' Dim PicImg As StdPicture ' Dim hSpriteDC As Long ' Dim hMaskDC As Long ' Dim hSpriteBMP As Long ' Dim hMaskBMP As Long ' Dim TheWidth As Long ' Dim TheHeight As Long ' ' Me.Show ' Set PicBG = LoadPicture("C:\Background.bmp") ' Set PicImg = LoadPicture("C:\Image.bmp") ' RenderBitmapEx Me.hDC, , PicBG.Handle ' GetBitmapInfo PicImg.Handle, TheHeight, TheWidth ' CreateMask PicImg.Handle, CLng("&H00FF00"), hSpriteDC, hMaskDC, hSpriteBMP, hMaskBMP ' BitBlt Me.hDC, 0, 0, TheWidth, TheHeight, hMaskDC, 0, 0, MERGEPAINT ' BitBlt Me.hDC, 0, 0, TheWidth, TheHeight, hSpriteDC, 0, 0, SRCAND ' MemoryDC_Delete hSpriteDC, hSpriteBMP ' MemoryDC_Delete hMaskDC, hMaskBMP ' Set PicBG = Nothing ' Set PicImg = Nothing ' ' ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' hBitmap Handle to the bitmap to create the sprite and mask from ' TransparentColor Specifies the color that is to be made transparent (background color) ' Return_SpriteDC Optional. Returns the handle to the DC created that contains the sprite ' Return_MaskDC Optional. Returns the handle to the DC created that contains the mask ' Return_SpritePrevBMP Optional. Returns the handle to the picture that was previously in the sprite DC. ' This is important because you should always select the OLD picture back into ' a DC before deleting it. ' Return_MaskPrevBMP Optional. Returns the handle to the picture that was previously in the mask DC. ' This is important because you should always select the old picture back into ' a DC before deleting it. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function CreateMask(ByVal hBitmap As Long, _ ByVal TransparentColor As Long, _ Optional ByRef Return_SpriteDC As Long = -1, _ Optional ByRef Return_MaskDC As Long = -1, _ Optional ByRef Return_SpritePrevBMP As Long = -1, _ Optional ByRef Return_MaskPrevBMP As Long = -1) As Boolean Dim hScreenDC As Long Dim PicHeight As Long Dim PicWidth As Long Dim hDC_Temp As Long Dim hDC_Sprite As Long Dim hDC_Mask As Long Dim hPrev_Temp As Long Dim hPrev_Sprite As Long Dim hPrev_Mask As Long Dim PreviousColor As Long Dim hMonoBitmap As Long Dim hColrBitmap As Long ' Make sure a valid picture was passed to use to get the mask If hBitmap = 0 Then Exit Function ' If the user hasn't specified to return any values, exit If Return_SpriteDC = -1 And Return_MaskDC = -1 Then Exit Function ' Get the transparent color as a non-OLE color TransparentColor = TranslateColor(TransparentColor) If TransparentColor = -1 Then Exit Function ' Get the height & width of the picture If GetBitmapInfo(hBitmap, PicHeight, PicWidth) = False Then Exit Function ' Create the Device Contexts (DC) to work with hDC_Temp = MemoryDC_Create hDC_Mask = MemoryDC_Create hDC_Sprite = MemoryDC_Create ' Create a monochrome bitmap to create the mask from hMonoBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC_Temp, PicWidth, PicHeight) ' Create a color bitmap to select into the mask hScreenDC = GetDC(GetDesktopWindow) hColrBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hScreenDC, PicWidth, PicHeight) ReleaseDC GetDesktopWindow, hScreenDC ' Copy the sprite picture into the sprite DC making it color, then ' copy the monochrome bitmaps into the temp and mask DC's black & white LoadBitmapToDC hDC_Temp, hMonoBitmap, hPrev_Temp LoadBitmapToDC hDC_Mask, hColrBitmap, hPrev_Mask LoadBitmapToDC hDC_Sprite, hBitmap, hPrev_Sprite ' Set the background color to the transparent color. ' This will make the transparent color black when the mask is created PreviousColor = SetBkColor(hDC_Sprite, TransparentColor) ' Copy the sprite picture to the temp DC - This makes a copy of the ' sprite, but the copy is black and the transparent color is now transparent BitBlt hDC_Temp, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Sprite, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ' Set the background color back to the original color SetBkColor hDC_Sprite, PreviousColor ' Copy the temp DC to the sprite - this makes the sprite's transparent ' color now show up as WHITE BitBlt hDC_Sprite, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Temp, 0, 0, SRCPAINT ' Create the mask (Silhouette of the original on a white background) BitBlt hDC_Mask, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Sprite, 0, 0, SRCCOPY BitBlt hDC_Mask, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Temp, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ' Return the results and clean up extra memory CreateMask = True ' If the user specified to return the sprite, do so... else delete it If Return_SpriteDC = -1 Then MemoryDC_Delete hDC_Sprite, hPrev_Sprite Return_SpriteDC = 0 Return_SpritePrevBMP = 0 Else Return_SpriteDC = hDC_Sprite If Return_SpritePrevBMP = -1 Then DeleteObject hPrev_Sprite Else Return_SpritePrevBMP = hPrev_Sprite End If End If ' If the user specified to return the mask, do so... else delete it If Return_MaskDC = -1 Then MemoryDC_Delete hDC_Mask, hPrev_Mask Return_MaskDC = 0 Return_MaskPrevBMP = 0 Else Return_MaskDC = hDC_Mask If Return_MaskPrevBMP = -1 Then DeleteObject hPrev_Mask Else Return_MaskPrevBMP = hPrev_Mask End If End If ' Clean up memory used to create the sprite and mask DeleteObject hMonoBitmap: hMonoBitmap = 0 DeleteObject hColrBitmap: hColrBitmap = 0 If hDC_Temp <> 0 Then MemoryDC_Delete hDC_Temp, hPrev_Temp End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' CreateOlePicture ' ' This function takes the handle to a picture (Bitmap, Icon, Metafile, or Enhanced Metafile) and creates ' an OLE StdPicture object from it that can be used like the "Picture" properties of such VB objects as ' Form's, PictureBox's, ImageBox's, etc. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' PictureHandle Handle to the picture to create. ' - If PictureType = vbPicTypeBitmap : this must be a handle to a HBITMAP ' - If PictureType = vbPicTypeIcon : this must be a handle to a HICON ' - If PictureType = vbPicTypeMetafile : this must be a handle to a HMETAFILE ' - If PictureType = vbPicTypeEMetafile : this must be a handle to a HENHMETAFILE ' PictureType Specifies the type of picture object to create. These are the different types ' of pictures that can be specified: ' vbPicTypeBitmap <-- DEFAULT ' vbPicTypeEMetafile ' vbPicTypeIcon ' vbPicTypeMetafile ' BitmapPalette Optional. Specifies the handle to a Palette to use in the createion process. ' MetaHeight Optional. If the PictureType is vbPicTypeMetafile, the height of the Metafile ' must be provided by this parameter. ' Metawidth Optional. If the PictureType is vbPicTypeMetafile, the width of the Metafile ' must be provided by this parameter. ' Return_ErrNum Optional. If an error occurs, the error number will be returned here. ' Return_ErrDesc Optional. If an error occurs, the error description will be returned here. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function CreateOlePicture(ByVal PictureHandle As Long, _ ByVal PictureType As PictureTypeConstants, _ Optional ByVal BitmapPalette As Long = 0, _ Optional ByVal MetaHeight As Long = -1, _ Optional ByVal MetaWidth As Long = -1, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrNum As Long, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrDesc As String) As StdPicture On Error Resume Next Dim ReturnValue As Long Dim PicInfo_BMP As PICTDESC_BMP Dim PicInfo_EMETA As PICTDESC_EMETA Dim PicInfo_ICON As PICTDESC_ICON Dim PicInfo_META As PICTDESC_META Dim ThePicture As StdPicture 'IPicture Dim rIID As GUID ' Clear the return variables Return_ErrNum = 0 Return_ErrDesc = "" ' Make sure the variable(s) passed are valid If PictureHandle = 0 Then Return_ErrNum = -1 Return_ErrDesc = "Invalid bitmap handle" ElseIf PictureType = vbPicTypeNone Then Return_ErrNum = -1 Return_ErrDesc = "Invalid picture type specified." ElseIf PictureType = vbPicTypeMetafile Then If MetaHeight = -1 Or MetaWidth = -1 Then Return_ErrNum = -1 Return_ErrDesc = "Invalid metafile dimentions specified." End If End If ' Set the correct interface identifier GUID for the "OleCreatePictureIndirect" API With rIID .Data1 = &H20400 .Data4(0) = &HC0 .Data4(7) = &H46 End With ' Set the appropriate type depending on the type of picture Select Case PictureType Case vbPicTypeBitmap PicInfo_BMP.cbSizeOfStruct = Len(PicInfo_BMP) PicInfo_BMP.PicType = PICTYPE_BITMAP PicInfo_BMP.hBitmap = PictureHandle PicInfo_BMP.hPal = BitmapPalette ReturnValue = OleCreatePictureIndirect(PicInfo_BMP, rIID, 1, ThePicture) Case vbPicTypeIcon PicInfo_ICON.cbSizeOfStruct = Len(PicInfo_BMP) PicInfo_ICON.PicType = PICTYPE_ICON PicInfo_ICON.hIcon = PictureHandle ReturnValue = OleCreatePictureIndirect(PicInfo_ICON, rIID, 1, ThePicture) Case vbPicTypeMetafile PicInfo_META.cbSizeOfStruct = Len(PicInfo_BMP) PicInfo_META.PicType = PICTYPE_METAFILE PicInfo_META.hMeta = PictureHandle PicInfo_META.xExt = MetaWidth PicInfo_META.yExt = MetaHeight ReturnValue = OleCreatePictureIndirect(PicInfo_META, rIID, 1, ThePicture) Case vbPicTypeEMetafile PicInfo_EMETA.cbSizeOfStruct = Len(PicInfo_BMP) PicInfo_EMETA.PicType = PICTYPE_ENHMETAFILE PicInfo_EMETA.hEMF = PictureHandle ReturnValue = OleCreatePictureIndirect(PicInfo_BMP, rIID, 1, ThePicture) End Select ' Check the result If ReturnValue <> S_OK Then GoTo ErrorTrap End If ' Return the new picture Set CreateOlePicture = ThePicture Exit Function ErrorTrap: Return_ErrNum = ReturnValue Select Case ReturnValue Case E_NOINTERFACE Return_ErrDesc = "The object does not support the interface specified in riid." Case E_POINTER Return_ErrDesc = "The address in pPictDesc or ppvObj is not valid. For example, it may be NULL." Case E_INVALIDARG Return_ErrDesc = "One or more arguments are invalid." Case E_OUTOFMEMORY Return_ErrDesc = "Ran out of memory." Case E_UNEXPECTED Return_ErrDesc = "Catastrophic Failure." Case Else Return_ErrDesc = "Unknown Error." End Select End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' ExtractFromRES ' ' This function extracts the specified files from a VB resource that is included in your project. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' OutputFile Specifies the name of the file to extract the resource to. If the file ' specified already exists, and the "OverwriteFile" parameter is set to TRUE, ' the file will be automatically overwritten. If the "OverwriteFile" parameter ' is FALSE and the "ConfirmOnOverwrite" parameter is TRUE, the user is prompted ' to overwrite. If the file exists, the OverwriteFile parameter is FALSE, and ' the ConfirmOnOverwrite parameter is FALSE, the function fails out. ' NOTE: If you specify "vbNullString" or a blank string ("") for this parameter ' and specify TRUE for the "ReturnPicRef" parameter, the file will not be saved ' out, but a reference to it will be returned via the "Return_Picture" parameter. ' RES_ID Specifies the resource ID of the file to extract. The default ID is 101. ' RES_Section Specifies the section of resource to extract from. When you add a file to a ' VB resource, the default type is "CUSTOM". You can of course change the ' type of the file added in the resource editor. This parameter is only used ' if the "FileType" parameter is rt_Custom. ' FileType Specifies if the file to extract is a Bitmap, Icon, Cursor, or other file. ' OverwriteFile If the specified file already exists and this parameter is TRUE, the file is ' overwritten. ' ConfirmOnOverwrite If the file exists, and OverwriteFile is FALSE, and this parameter is TRUE, ' the user is prompted to overwrite the file. ' ReturnPicRef If set to TRUE, the "Return_Picture" parameter returns a reference to the ' picture specified. If the FileType is set to rt_Custom, and this parameter ' is set to true, it is assumed that there is a picture stored int he custom ' resource and this function attempts to load it. ' Return_Picture If the "ReturnPicRef" parameter is set to TRUE, this parameter returns a ' reference to the picture loaded. If the FileType is set to rt_Custom, and ' the "ReturnPicRef" parameter is set to true, it is assumed that there is a ' picture stored int he custom resource and this function attempts to load it. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function ExtractFromRES(ByVal OutputFile As String, _ ByVal RES_ID As Long, _ Optional ByVal RES_Section As String, _ Optional ByVal FileType As ResTypes = rt_Custom, _ Optional ByVal OverwriteFile As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal ConfirmOnOverwrite As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal ReturnPicRef As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByRef Return_Picture As StdPicture) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap Dim ResFile() As Byte Dim TestVar As Variant Dim RESPic As StdPicture Dim FileNum As Long Dim MyAnswer As VbMsgBoxResult Dim DelFile As Boolean ' Make sure parameters are valid If RES_ID < 1 Or RES_ID > 32767 Then MsgBox "Resource ID is invalid. Value must be between 1 and 32767.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Invalid Resource ID" Exit Function ElseIf FileType = rt_Custom And RES_Section = "" Then MsgBox "No resource type specified.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Error Extracting Resource" Exit Function ElseIf OutputFile = "" And ReturnPicRef = False Then MsgBox "No output file specified to extract resource to.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " No Output File Specified" Exit Function ElseIf Dir(OutputFile) <> "" And OverwriteFile = False Then If ConfirmOnOverwrite = True Then MyAnswer = MsgBox(OutputFile & Chr(13) & "This file already exists." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Overwrite existing file?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, " Confirm File Overwrite") If MyAnswer = vbNo Then ExtractFromRES = True Exit Function End If Else Exit Function End If End If ' Extract and process the specified file Select Case FileType ' Save out the specified picture resource Case RT_BITMAP, RT_CURSOR, RT_ICON Set RESPic = LoadResPicture(RES_ID, FileType) If RESPic Is Nothing Then Exit Function If OutputFile <> "" Then SavePicture RESPic, OutputFile If ReturnPicRef = True Then Set Return_Picture = RESPic Else Set RESPic = Nothing End If ' Save out the specified custom resource file Case rt_Custom ' If no output file specified, use a temporary one If OutputFile = "" Then OutputFile = "C:\TEMP.TMP" On Error Resume Next Kill OutputFile Err.Clear On Error GoTo ErrorTrap DelFile = True End If ' Load the resource ResFile = LoadResData(RES_ID, RES_Section) ' Check if an error occured while loading the resource On Error Resume Next Err.Clear TestVar = UBound(ResFile) If Err Then Err.Clear: Exit Function On Error GoTo ErrorTrap ' Save the resource file out to disk FileNum = FreeFile Open OutputFile For Binary As #FileNum Put #FileNum, 1, ResFile() Close #FileNum ' If the user specified to return the picture, assume the custom file is a picture ' and try to load it and return a reference to it If ReturnPicRef = True Then On Error Resume Next Set Return_Picture = LoadPicture(OutputFile) If Err Or (Return_Picture Is Nothing) Then Set Return_Picture = Nothing Err.Clear End If End If ' Clean up temp file If DelFile = True Then Kill OutputFile End Select ' Return SUCCESS ExtractFromRES = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Unknown Error MsgBox Err.Source & " encountered the following error:" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Error Number = " & CStr(Err.Number) & Chr(13) & "Error Description = " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Error - " & Err.Description Err.Clear End If End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' GetDisplayInfo ' ' This function returns general information about the current screen display settings. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' ScreenWidth Returns the width of the current display resolution in pixels ' ScreenHeight Returns the height of the current display resolution in pixels ' TwipsX Returns the current number of twips per each pixel accross the X axis of the ' current screen display (see also Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) ' TwipsY Returns the current number of twips per each pixel accross the Y axis of the ' current screen display (see also Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) ' BitsPerPixel Returns the current color depth of the screen display ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function GetDisplayInfo(Optional ByRef ScreenWidth As Long, _ Optional ByRef ScreenHeight As Long, _ Optional ByRef TwipsX As Single, _ Optional ByRef TwipsY As Single, _ Optional ByRef BitsPerPixel As Long) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim TempW As Long Dim TempH As Long Dim hScreenDC As Long ' Reset the return values ScreenWidth = 0 ScreenHeight = 0 TwipsX = 0 TwipsY = 0 BitsPerPixel = 0 ' Get the handle to the display area's Device Context hScreenDC = GetDC(GetDesktopWindow) If hScreenDC = 0 Then Exit Function ' Get the color depth BitsPerPixel = GetDeviceCaps(hScreenDC, BITSPIXEL) ' Get the screen width / height in pixels ScreenWidth = GetDeviceCaps(hScreenDC, HORZRES) ScreenHeight = GetDeviceCaps(hScreenDC, VERTRES) ' Get the physical width / height of the screen in millimeters TempH = GetDeviceCaps(hScreenDC, VERTSIZE) TempW = GetDeviceCaps(hScreenDC, HORZSIZE) ' Get the TwipsPerPixelX & TwipsPerPixelY (There are 56.7 twips per millimeter) TwipsX = CSng((56.7 * TempW) / ScreenWidth) TwipsY = CSng((56.7 * TempH) / ScreenHeight) ' Format the return to one decimal place TwipsX = CSng(Format(TwipsX, "0.0")) TwipsY = CSng(Format(TwipsY, "0.0")) ' Clean up and return ReleaseDC GetDesktopWindow, hScreenDC GetDisplayInfo = True End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' GetBitmapInfo ' ' This function takes a given picture and finds out all possible information about it and returns the ' results. ' ' NOTE : This function only works with BITMAPs and DIBs (Device Independant Bitmaps) ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' hBITMAP Handle to the bitmap to get the information from. ' Return_Height Optional. Returns the height (in pixels) of the picture. ' Return_Width Optional. Returns the width (in pixels) of the picture. ' Return_BitsPerPixel Optional. Returns the color depth of the picture in the form of "BitsPerPixel" ' Return_Size Optional. Returns the approximate size of the picture (assuming it's RGB) ' Return_PointerToBits Optional. Returns a memory pointer to the location of the BITMAP BITS that make ' up the specified image. You can use the "CopyMemory" API to copy the BITS to a ' BYTE ARRAY. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function GetBitmapInfo(ByVal hBitmap As Long, _ Optional ByRef Return_Height As Long, _ Optional ByRef Return_Width As Long, _ Optional ByRef Return_BitsPerPixel As Integer, _ Optional ByRef Return_Size As Double, _ Optional ByRef Return_PointerToBits As Long) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim BMP As BITMAP ' Clear the return variables Return_Height = 0 Return_Width = 0 Return_BitsPerPixel = 0 Return_Size = 0 Return_PointerToBits = 0 ' Check that there's a valid input If hBitmap = 0 Then Exit Function ' Get the information If GetObjectAPI(hBitmap, Len(BMP), BMP) = 0 Then Exit Function ' Return the information With BMP Return_Height = .bmHeight Return_Width = .bmWidth Return_BitsPerPixel = (.bmBitsPixel * .bmPlanes) Return_Size = ((.bmWidth * 3 + 3) And &HFFFFFFFC) * .bmHeight Return_PointerToBits = .bmBits End With ' Function succeeded GetBitmapInfo = True End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' GetIconBitmaps ' ' This function takes the given ICON or CURSOR and breaks out the Image and Mask BITMAPs that make it up. ' When you BitBlt the mask BITMAP onto a Device Context using the "SRCCOPY" raster operation, then BitBlt ' the image BITMAP onto the same Device Context in the same location as the mask using the "SRCINVERT" ' raster operation the result is a transparent picture. ' ' WARNING : The caller of this function is responsible for deleting the BITMAPs that this ' function returns by calling the "DeleteObject" Win32 API. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' hIcon Handle to the icon to break the BITMAPs out of ' Return_hBmpMask Returns the handle of the mask BITMAP (the caller must delete this BITMAP) ' Return_hBmpImage Returns the handle of the image BITMAP (the caller must delete this BITMAP) ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function GetIconBitmaps(ByVal hIcon As Long, _ ByRef Return_hBmpMask As Long, _ ByRef Return_hBmpImage As Long) As Boolean Dim TempICONINFO As ICONINFO If GetIconInfo(hIcon, TempICONINFO) = 0 Then Exit Function Return_hBmpMask = TempICONINFO.hbmMask Return_hBmpImage = TempICONINFO.hbmColor GetIconBitmaps = True End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' GetBitmapFromDC ' ' This function returns the handle to the picture that is currently selected into the specified Device ' Context (DC). This does not remove the picture from the DC, it just gives you the handle to the picture ' so you can check the picture's height, width, color depth, etc. if you wish. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' hDC Handle to the DC to get the picture from ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is the handle to the DC's BITMAP image ' If the function fails, the return is ZERO (0) ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function GetBitmapFromDC(ByVal hdc As Long) As Long GetBitmapFromDC = GetCurrentObject(hdc, OBJ_BITMAP) End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' MemoryDC_Create ' ' This function creates a Device Context (DC) in memory compatible with the current screen display. ' This DC can be used to hold or render Bitmaps, Brushes, Fonts, Pens, or Regions (see also : Win32 API ' documentation for the "SelectObject" function). ' ' NOTE : Before an application can use a memory device context for drawing operations, it must select ' a bitmap of the correct width and height into the device context. If the bitmap selected into the ' DC is MONOCHROME (created using the "CreateCompatibleBitmap" API with the handle to the newly created ' DC used as the hDC parameter for the "CreateCompatibleBitmap" API), then the DC is monochrome... ' otherwise it is color (compatible to the current screen). ' ' IMPORTANT: When you are done with the DC created by this function, you must delete it by calling the ' MemoryDC_Delete function in this module, or the Win32 API "DeleteDC". If you do not, you could cause ' a VERY LARGE memory leak in your program. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' None ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is the handle to the newly created Device Context ' If the function fails, the return is ZERO (0) ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function MemoryDC_Create() As Long Dim hScreenDC As Long ' Get the handle to the current display screen's DC hScreenDC = GetDC(GetDesktopWindow) ' Create a compatible DC If hScreenDC <> 0 Then MemoryDC_Create = CreateCompatibleDC(hScreenDC) ' Release the handle to the display screen ReleaseDC GetDesktopWindow, hScreenDC End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' MemoryDC_Delete ' ' This function deletes any memory Device Context (DC) created by a call to such Win32 APIs as "CreateDC" ' or "CreateCompatibleDC". Any DC created by such Win32 API calls *MUST* be deleted by calling this ' function or the "DeleteDC" Win32 API Function. If you do not, you could cause a VERY LARGE memory ' leak in your program. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' hMemoryDC Handle to the memory device context to delete ' hPrevBitmap Handle to the previous bitmap of the device context. This is returned to the ' DC before deleting the DC. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function MemoryDC_Delete(ByRef hMemoryDC As Long, _ Optional ByRef hPrevBitmap As Long) As Boolean ' Make sure parameter(s) are valid If hMemoryDC = 0 Then Exit Function ' Put the previous bitmap back into the DC and delete the one that's in it now If hPrevBitmap <> 0 Then DeleteObject SelectObject(hMemoryDC, hPrevBitmap) hPrevBitmap = 0 End If ' Delete the DC If DeleteDC(hMemoryDC) <> 0 Then MemoryDC_Delete = True hMemoryDC = 0 End If End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' LoadBitmapToDC ' ' This function loads the specified BITMAP into the specified Device Context (DC) and returns the handle ' to the picture that was previously in the specified DC. This is important, because that picture ' should be reloaded back into the DC before deleting the DC. ' ' NOTE: You can call the "MemoryDC_Delete" function of this module and pass it the returned picture ' handle and it will properly restore the old picture, delete the new picture, then delete the DC. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' hDC Handle to the DC to load the picture into ' hPictureToLoad Handle to the picture to load into the DC ' Return_hPrevPic Optional. Returns the handle to the picture that was previously in the DC ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function LoadBitmapToDC(ByVal hdc As Long, _ ByVal hPictureToLoad As Long, _ Optional ByRef Return_hPrevPic As Long) As Boolean ' Make sure the values passed are valid If hdc = 0 Or hPictureToLoad = 0 Then Exit Function ' Select the specified picture into the specified DC Return_hPrevPic = SelectObject(hdc, hPictureToLoad) ' Return successful results LoadBitmapToDC = True End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' RefreshHWND ' ' This function "refreshes" the specified window by invalidating it's contents. This sends messages ' to the specified window that it needs to repaint itself. ' ' NOTE - If a picture is drawn on a VB Form, PictureBox, etc and that object's "AutoRedraw" property ' is set to TRUE, the picture will not immediately appear. You must call this function, or the object's ' "Refresh" method to see the newly drawn picture on it. However, if that object's "AutoRedraw" property ' is set to FALSE, the picture will immediately appear and any call to this function or that object's ' "Refresh" method will cause the picture to be erased. ' ' NOTE - Pictures are drawn to the "Image" property of a VB object, not the "Picture" property. You ' can set the "Picture" property like this : Set Picture1.Picture = Picture1.Image ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' WindowHandle Handle to the window or object to refresh ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function RefreshHWND(ByVal WindowHandle As Long) As Boolean On Error Resume Next ' If RedrawWindow(WindowHandle, ByVal 0, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE Or RDW_ALLCHILDREN) <> 0 Then RefreshHWND = True If RedrawWindow(WindowHandle, ByVal 0, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE) <> 0 Then RefreshHWND = True End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' RenderIcon ' ' This function takes the specified icon and renders it to the specified Device Context. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Dest_hDC Specifies the Device Context to render the ICON onto ' hIcon Handle of the ICON to render ' Dest_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position to draw the ICON to on the DC ' Dest_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to draw the ICON to on the DC ' Dest_Height Optional. Specifies the height of the icon when rendered. If not specified, ' the original icon height is used. ' Dest_Width Optional. Specifies the width of the icon when rendered. If not specified, ' the original icon width is used. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function RenderIcon(ByVal Dest_hDC As Long, _ ByVal hIcon As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Height As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Width As Long) As Boolean ' Make sure parameters passed are valid If Dest_hDC = 0 Or hIcon = 0 Then Exit Function If DrawIconEx(Dest_hDC, Dest_X, Dest_Y, hIcon, Dest_Width, Dest_Height, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL) <> 0 Then RenderIcon = True End If End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' RenderIconGrayscale ' ' This function takes the specified icon and converts it to grayscale and then renders it to the ' specified Device Context. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Dest_hDC Specifies the Device Context to render the ICON onto ' hIcon Handle of the ICON to render ' Dest_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position to draw the ICON to on the DC ' Dest_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to draw the ICON to on the DC ' Dest_Height Optional. Specifies the height of the icon when rendered. If not specified, ' the original icon height is used. ' Dest_Width Optional. Specifies the width of the icon when rendered. If not specified, ' the original icon width is used. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function RenderIconGrayscale(ByVal Dest_hDC As Long, _ ByVal hIcon As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Height As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Width As Long) As Boolean Dim hBMP_Mask As Long Dim hBMP_Image As Long Dim hBMP_Prev As Long Dim hIcon_Temp As Long Dim hDC_Temp As Long ' Make sure parameters passed are valid If Dest_hDC = 0 Or hIcon = 0 Then Exit Function ' Extract the bitmaps from the icon If GetIconBitmaps(hIcon, hBMP_Mask, hBMP_Image) = False Then Exit Function ' Create a memory DC to work with hDC_Temp = MemoryDC_Create If hDC_Temp = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp ' Make the image bitmap gradient If RenderBitmapGrayscale(hDC_Temp, hBMP_Image, 0, 0, , , True) = False Then GoTo CleanUp ' Extract the gradient bitmap out of the DC SelectObject hDC_Temp, hBMP_Prev ' Take the newly gradient bitmap and make a gradient icon from it hIcon_Temp = CreateIconFromBMP(hBMP_Mask, hBMP_Image) If hIcon_Temp = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp ' Draw the newly created gradient icon onto the specified DC If DrawIconEx(Dest_hDC, Dest_X, Dest_Y, hIcon_Temp, Dest_Width, Dest_Height, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL) <> 0 Then RenderIconGrayscale = True End If CleanUp: DestroyIcon hIcon_Temp: hIcon_Temp = 0 DeleteDC hDC_Temp: hDC_Temp = 0 DeleteObject hBMP_Mask: hBMP_Mask = 0 DeleteObject hBMP_Image: hBMP_Image = 0 End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' RenderCursor ' ' This function takes the specified cursor and renders it to the specified Device Context. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Dest_hDC Specifies the Device Context to render the CURSOR onto ' hCursor Handle of the CURSOR to render ' Dest_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position to draw the CURSOR to on the DC ' Dest_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to draw the CURSOR to on the DC ' Dest_Height Optional. Specifies the height of the cursor when rendered. If not specified, ' the original cursor height is used. ' Dest_Width Optional. Specifies the width of the cursor when rendered. If not specified, ' the original cursor width is used. ' AnimatedCursorFrame Optioanl. If the cursor that is specified is an animated cursor (*.ANI) then ' you can render just one of the animation frames by specifying the index of the ' frame to render in this parameter. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function RenderCursor(ByVal Dest_hDC As Long, _ ByVal hCursor As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Height As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Width As Long, _ Optional ByVal AnimatedCursorFrame As Long) As Boolean ' Make sure parameters passed are valid If Dest_hDC = 0 Or hCursor = 0 Then Exit Function If DrawIconEx(Dest_hDC, Dest_X, Dest_Y, hCursor, Dest_Width, Dest_Height, AnimatedCursorFrame, 0, DI_NORMAL) <> 0 Then RenderCursor = True End If End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' RenderCursorGrayscale ' ' This function takes the specified cursor and changes it to grayscale and then renders it to the ' specified Device Context. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Dest_hDC Specifies the Device Context to render the CURSOR onto ' hCursor Handle of the CURSOR to render ' Dest_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position to draw the CURSOR to on the DC ' Dest_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to draw the CURSOR to on the DC ' Dest_Height Optional. Specifies the height of the cursor when rendered. If not specified, ' the original cursor height is used. ' Dest_Width Optional. Specifies the width of the cursor when rendered. If not specified, ' the original cursor width is used. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function RenderCursorGrayscale(ByVal Dest_hDC As Long, _ ByVal hCursor As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Height As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Width As Long) As Boolean Dim hBMP_Mask As Long Dim hBMP_Image As Long Dim hBMP_Prev As Long Dim hCursor_Temp As Long Dim hDC_Temp As Long ' Make sure parameters passed are valid If Dest_hDC = 0 Or hCursor = 0 Then Exit Function ' Extract the bitmaps from the cursor If GetIconBitmaps(hCursor, hBMP_Mask, hBMP_Image) = False Then Exit Function ' Create a memory DC to work with hDC_Temp = MemoryDC_Create If hDC_Temp = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp ' Make the image bitmap gradient If RenderBitmapGrayscale(hDC_Temp, hBMP_Image, 0, 0, , , True) = False Then GoTo CleanUp ' Extract the gradient bitmap out of the DC SelectObject hDC_Temp, hBMP_Prev ' Take the newly gradient bitmap and make a gradient cursor from it hCursor_Temp = CreateCursorFromBMP(hBMP_Mask, hBMP_Image) If hCursor_Temp = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp ' Draw the newly created gradient cursor onto the specified DC If DrawIconEx(Dest_hDC, Dest_X, Dest_Y, hCursor_Temp, Dest_Width, Dest_Height, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL) <> 0 Then RenderCursorGrayscale = True End If CleanUp: DestroyIcon hCursor_Temp: hCursor_Temp = 0 DeleteDC hDC_Temp: hDC_Temp = 0 DeleteObject hBMP_Mask: hBMP_Mask = 0 DeleteObject hBMP_Image: hBMP_Image = 0 End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' RenderBitmap ' ' This function takes the specified bitmap and renders it to the specified device context. This is a ' more simplified version of RenderBitmapEx and has less overhead because it doesn't perform all of ' the calculations that RenderBitmapEx does. It also doesn't do the strech functionality that ' RenderBitmapEx does. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Dest_hDC Specifies the Device Context to render the BITMAP onto ' hBitmap Handle of the BITMAP to render ' Dest_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position to draw the BITMAP to on the DC ' Dest_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to draw the BITMAP to on the DC ' Srce_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position of the source picture that the ' picture should be drawn from ' Srce_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to the source picture that the ' picture should be drawn from ' RasterOperation Optional. Specifies the raster operation to perform on the image when ' BitBlt'ing it to the specified Device Context ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function RenderBitmap(ByVal Dest_hDC As Long, _ ByVal hBitmap As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal Srce_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Srce_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal RasterOperation As RasterOperations = SRCCOPY) As Boolean Dim TempBMP As BITMAP Dim hDC_Temp As Long Dim hDC_Screen As Long Dim hBMP_Prev As Long ' Make sure parameters passed are valid If Dest_hDC = 0 Or hBitmap = 0 Then Exit Function ' Get the information about the bitmap (and make sure it's a valid BITMAP If GetObjectAPI(hBitmap, Len(TempBMP), TempBMP) = 0 Then Exit Function ' Create a memory DC to use for the render operation hDC_Screen = GetDC(GetDesktopWindow) If hDC_Screen = 0 Then Exit Function hDC_Temp = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC_Screen) If hDC_Temp = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp ' Select the specified bitmap into the memory DC just created hBMP_Prev = SelectObject(hDC_Temp, hBitmap) ' Render the bitmap onto the specified hDC If BitBlt(Dest_hDC, Dest_X, Dest_Y, TempBMP.bmWidth, TempBMP.bmHeight, hDC_Temp, Srce_X, Srce_Y, RasterOperation) <> 0 Then RenderBitmap = True End If CleanUp: ReleaseDC GetDesktopWindow, hDC_Screen: hDC_Screen = 0 SelectObject hDC_Temp, hBMP_Prev DeleteDC hDC_Temp: hDC_Temp = 0 End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' RenderBitmapEx ' ' This function takes the handle to a Picture (ie - PictureBox1.Picture.Handle) or the handle to a Device ' Context (DC) and renders (or paints) it onto the specified output DC (ie - PictureBox2.hDC). This ' function also gives you the ability to stretch the picture to a specified height/width before rendering ' it to the output DC. As an aditional option, you can refresh a specified window that is related to ' the specified DC (ie - PictureBox2.hWnd). ' ' NOTE : All measurements for this function are expected to be PIXELS. The default measurement of ' pictures in Visual Basic is HIMETRIC. Convert the dimentions to pixels if need be using the ' "ConvPicDimentions" function before calling this function, or use the "GetBitmapInfo" function ' to get the height and width in pixels. ' ' NOTE : If you specify a form as the source hDC and do NOT specify a picture, you must specify the ' picture's height/width. Otherwise, the image rendered will have the same height and width as ' your current screen resolution (800x600, 1024x768, etc) ' ' NOTE : This function is the most efficient if you specify a handle to a DC in the Source_hDC parameter ' that contains the picture specified in the hBitmap parameter as well as the height and width ' of the picture specified. That way no DC's have to be created or queried. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Dest_hDC The DC that the image is to be drawn onto ' Source_hDC Optional. If this parameter is specified and the hBitmap parameter is not, ' this function takes the currently selected bitmap from the DC and uses it ' hBitmap Optional. If this parameter is specified, a memory DC is created and the ' picture is selected into it to be used to paint the picture to the specified ' DC. If this parameter is NOT specified, there must be a valid DC in the ' Source_DC parameter containing a valid picture to use. ' Dest_X Optional. Specifies X (Left) coordinate of where the picture should be rendered ' on the specified Dest_hDC (pixels). ' Dest_Y Optional. Specifies Y (Top) coordinate of where the picture should be rendered ' on the specified Dest_hDC (pixels). ' Srce_X Optional. Specifies X (Left) coordinate of where the picture should be taken ' from on the specified Source_hDC (pixels). ' Srce_Y Optional. Specifies Y (Top) coordinate of where the picture should be taken ' from on the specified Source_hDC (pixels). ' PicHeight Optional. This specifies the height (in pixels) of the picture to be rendered. ' If this parameter is NOT specified, the function attempts to find out the ' height of the picture and use that. ' PicWidth Optional. This specifies the width (in pixels) of the picture to be rendered. ' If this parameter is NOT specified, the function attempts to find out the ' width of the picture and use that. ' RasterOperation Optional. This specifies the raster operation to be used in painting the ' picture. The default is SRCCOPY (which just copies the picture). ' StretchPicture Optional. If this parameter is set to TRUE, the picture is stretched to the ' size specified in the StretchHeight and StretchWidth parameters. ' StretchHeight Optional. If the StretchPicture parameter is set to TRUE, this parameter ' specifies the height to stretch the picture to. ' StretchWidth Optional. If the StretchPicture parameter is set to TRUE, this parameter ' specifies the width to stretch the picture to. ' RefreshWindow Optional. If this parameter is set to TRUE, the function refreshes the window ' specified in the RefreshHandle parameter (which should be the handle of the ' window associated with the DC specified in the Dest_hDC parameter. ' RefreshHandle Optional. If the RefreshWindow parameter is set to TRUE, this parameter ' specifies the handle of the window to refresh. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function RenderBitmapEx(ByVal Dest_hDC As Long, _ Optional ByVal Source_hDC As Long, _ Optional ByVal hBitmap As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal Srce_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Srce_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal PicHeight As Long, _ Optional ByVal PicWidth As Long, _ Optional ByVal RasterOperation As RasterOperations = SRCCOPY, _ Optional ByVal StretchPicture As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal StretchHeight As Long, _ Optional ByVal StretchWidth As Long, _ Optional ByVal RefreshWindow As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal RefreshHandle As Long) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim ScrHWND As Long Dim ScrHDC As Long Dim hMemoryDC As Long Dim BMP As BITMAP Dim bDelMemDC As Boolean Dim hOldBitmap As Long Dim PrevStrMode As Long ' Make sure parameters passed are valid If Dest_hDC = 0 Then Exit Function ElseIf Source_hDC = 0 And hBitmap = 0 Then Exit Function End If ' If no source DC was specified, but a picture was specified, create a DC to use If Source_hDC = 0 And hBitmap <> 0 Then bDelMemDC = True ScrHWND = GetDesktopWindow ScrHDC = GetDC(ScrHWND) hMemoryDC = CreateCompatibleDC(ScrHDC) ReleaseDC ScrHWND, ScrHDC If hMemoryDC = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp hOldBitmap = SelectObject(hMemoryDC, hBitmap) ' If a source DC was specified and no picture was specified, make sure the source hDC has a picture ElseIf Source_hDC <> 0 And hBitmap = 0 Then bDelMemDC = False hMemoryDC = Source_hDC hBitmap = GetBitmapFromDC(Source_hDC) If hBitmap = 0 Then Exit Function End If ' If a source DC AND a picture was specified, use them both ElseIf Source_hDC <> 0 And hBitmap <> 0 Then bDelMemDC = False hMemoryDC = Source_hDC End If ' If the user didn't specify a Height / Width, get them from the picture If PicHeight = 0 Or PicWidth = 0 Then If GetObjectAPI(hBitmap, Len(BMP), BMP) = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp If PicHeight = 0 Then PicHeight = BMP.bmHeight If PicWidth = 0 Then PicWidth = BMP.bmWidth End If ' Check if the user wants to stretch the picture If StretchPicture = True Then If StretchHeight = PicHeight And StretchWidth = PicWidth Then StretchPicture = False ElseIf StretchHeight = 0 Or StretchWidth = 0 Then StretchPicture = False End If End If ' Render the picture onto the specified DC If StretchPicture = False Then If BitBlt(Dest_hDC, Dest_X, Dest_Y, PicWidth, PicHeight, hMemoryDC, Srce_X, Srce_Y, RasterOperation) <> 0 Then RenderBitmapEx = True End If Else PrevStrMode = SetStretchBltMode(Dest_hDC, STRETCH_HALFTONE) ' This DRAMATICALLY improves the quality of the following stretch operation If SetBrushOrgEx(hDC_Dest, 0, 0, ByVal 0) = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp If StretchBlt(Dest_hDC, Dest_X, Dest_Y, StretchWidth, StretchHeight, hMemoryDC, Srce_X, Srce_Y, PicWidth, PicHeight, RasterOperation) <> 0 Then RenderBitmapEx = True End If SetStretchBltMode Dest_hDC, PrevStrMode End If ' Refresh the DC to show the picture just drawn on it If RenderBitmapEx = True And RefreshWindow = True And RefreshHandle <> 0 Then RefreshHWND RefreshHandle End If CleanUp: If bDelMemDC = True And hMemoryDC <> 0 Then SelectObject hMemoryDC, hOldBitmap DeleteDC hMemoryDC: hMemoryDC = 0 End If End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' RenderBitmapGrayscale ' ' This function takes the specified bitmap and converts it to grayscale before rendering it to the ' specified Device Context. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Dest_hDC Specifies the Device Context to render the BITMAP onto ' hBitmap Handle of the BITMAP to render ' Dest_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position to draw the BITMAP to on the DC ' Dest_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to draw the BITMAP to on the DC ' Srce_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position of the source picture that the ' picture should be drawn from ' Srce_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to the source picture that the ' picture should be drawn from ' AlterOriginalPic Optional. If TRUE, the original picture that is passed to this function is ' changed to grayscale before it is rendered to the specified Device Context. ' If FALSE, a copy is made of the picture, changed to grayscale, and then ' rendered to the specified DC. ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function RenderBitmapGrayscale(ByVal Dest_hDC As Long, _ ByVal hBitmap As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal Srce_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Srce_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal AlterOriginalPic As Boolean = False) As Boolean Dim TempBITMAP As BITMAP Dim hScreen As Long Dim hDC_Temp As Long Dim hBMP_Prev As Long Dim MyCounterX As Long Dim MyCounterY As Long Dim NewColor As Long Dim hNewPicture As Long Dim DeletePic As Boolean ' Make sure parameters passed are valid If Dest_hDC = 0 Or hBitmap = 0 Then Exit Function ' Get the handle to the screen DC hScreen = GetDC(GetDesktopWindow) If hScreen = 0 Then Exit Function ' Create a memory DC to work with the picture hDC_Temp = CreateCompatibleDC(hScreen) If hDC_Temp = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp ' If the user specifies NOT to alter the original, then make a copy of it to use If AlterOriginalPic = False Then DeletePic = True If CopyPicture(hBitmap, hNewPicture) = False Then GoTo CleanUp Else DeletePic = False hNewPicture = hBitmap End If ' Select the bitmap into the DC hBMP_Prev = SelectObject(hDC_Temp, hNewPicture) ' Get the height / width of the bitmap in pixels If GetObjectAPI(hNewPicture, Len(TempBITMAP), TempBITMAP) = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp If TempBITMAP.bmHeight <= 0 Or TempBITMAP.bmWidth <= 0 Then GoTo CleanUp ' Loop through each pixel and conver it to it's grayscale equivelant For MyCounterX = 0 To TempBITMAP.bmWidth - 1 For MyCounterY = 0 To TempBITMAP.bmHeight - 1 NewColor = GetPixel(hDC_Temp, MyCounterX, MyCounterY) If NewColor <> -1 Then Select Case NewColor ' If the color is already a grey shade, no need to convert it Case vbBlack, vbWhite, &H101010, &H202020, &H303030, &H404040, &H505050, &H606060, &H707070, &H808080, &HA0A0A0, &HB0B0B0, &HC0C0C0, &HD0D0D0, &HE0E0E0, &HF0F0F0 NewColor = NewColor Case Else NewColor = GrayScale(NewColor) End Select SetPixel hDC_Temp, MyCounterX, MyCounterY, NewColor End If Next MyCounterY Next MyCounterX ' Display the picture on the specified hDC BitBlt Dest_hDC, Dest_X, Dest_Y, TempBITMAP.bmWidth, TempBITMAP.bmHeight, hDC_Temp, Srce_X, Srce_Y, vbSrcCopy RenderBitmapGrayscale = True CleanUp: ReleaseDC GetDesktopWindow, hScreen: hScreen = 0 SelectObject hDC_Temp, hBMP_Prev DeleteDC hDC_Temp: hDC_Temp = 0 If DeletePic = True Then DeleteObject hNewPicture hNewPicture = 0 End If End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' RenderBitmapTransparentGS ' ' This function takes the specified BITMAP and first changes it to grayscale, then renders it onto the ' specified Device Context (DC) but does NOT render the specified transparent color (thus making it ' see-thru, or transparent) ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Dest_hDC Specifies the Device Context to render the BITMAP onto ' hBitmap Handle of the BITMAP to render ' TransparentColor Specifies the transparent color (color NOT to render) ' Dest_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position to draw the BITMAP to on the DC ' Dest_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to draw the BITMAP to on the DC ' Srce_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position of the source picture that the ' picture should be drawn from ' Srce_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to the source picture that the ' picture should be drawn from ' hDC_Background Optional. If specified, the BITMAP contained within this Device Context will ' be used to draw the background ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function RenderBitmapTransparentGS(ByVal Dest_hDC As Long, _ ByVal hBitmap As Long, _ ByVal TransparentColor As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal Srce_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Srce_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal hDC_Background As Long) As Boolean Dim TempBITMAP As BITMAP Dim hDC_Temp As Long Dim hBMP_Copy As Long Dim hBMP_Prev As Long Dim MyCounterX As Long Dim MyCounterY As Long Dim NewColor As Long ' Make sure parameters passed are valid If Dest_hDC = 0 Or hBitmap = 0 Then Exit Function ' Make sure the transparent color is a valid Win32 color TransparentColor = TranslateColor(TransparentColor) If TransparentColor = -1 Then Exit Function ' Create a DC to work with hDC_Temp = MemoryDC_Create If hDC_Temp = 0 Then Exit Function ' Create a copy of the orginal picture so we don't alter the original If CopyPicture(hBitmap, hBMP_Copy) = False Then Exit Function If hBMP_Copy = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp ' Get the information about the bitmap If GetObjectAPI(hBMP_Copy, Len(TempBITMAP), TempBITMAP) = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp ' Select the picture INTO the DC in order to work with it hBMP_Prev = SelectObject(hDC_Temp, hBMP_Copy) ' Loop through each pixel and conver it to it's grayscale equivelant For MyCounterX = 0 To TempBITMAP.bmWidth - 1 For MyCounterY = 0 To TempBITMAP.bmHeight - 1 NewColor = GetPixel(hDC_Temp, MyCounterX, MyCounterY) If NewColor <> -1 Then Select Case NewColor ' If the color is already a grey shade, no need to convert it Case TransparentColor, vbBlack, vbWhite, &H101010, &H202020, &H303030, &H404040, &H505050, &H606060, &H707070, &H808080, &HA0A0A0, &HB0B0B0, &HC0C0C0, &HD0D0D0, &HE0E0E0, &HF0F0F0 NewColor = NewColor Case Else NewColor = GrayScale(NewColor) End Select SetPixel hDC_Temp, MyCounterX, MyCounterY, NewColor End If Next MyCounterY Next MyCounterX ' Select the picture OUT OF the DC to paint it SelectObject hDC_Temp, hBMP_Prev ' Render the grayscale bitmap transparently If RenderBitmapTransparent(Dest_hDC, hBMP_Copy, TransparentColor, Dest_X, Dest_Y, Srce_X, Srce_Y, hDC_Background) = True Then RenderBitmapTransparentGS = True End If CleanUp: DeleteDC hDC_Temp: hDC_Temp = 0 DeleteObject hBMP_Copy: hBMP_Copy = 0 End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' RenderBitmapTransparent ' ' This function takes the specified BITMAP and renders it onto the specified Device Context (DC) but ' does NOT render the specified transparent color (thus making it see-thru, or transparent) ' ' NOTE : This function is a modified version of a sample function taken from the VB 5.0 CD-ROM ' (TOOLS\UNSUPPRT\SSAVER\PAINTSUP.BAS) ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Dest_hDC Specifies the Device Context to render the BITMAP onto ' hBitmap Handle of the BITMAP to render ' TransparentColor Specifies the transparent color (color NOT to render) ' Dest_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position to draw the BITMAP to on the DC ' Dest_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to draw the BITMAP to on the DC ' Srce_X Optional. Specifies the X (Left) position of the source picture that the ' picture should be drawn from ' Srce_Y Optional. Specifies the Y (Top) position to the source picture that the ' picture should be drawn from ' hDC_Background Optional. If specified, the BITMAP contained within this Device Context will ' be used to draw the background ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function RenderBitmapTransparent(ByVal Dest_hDC As Long, _ ByVal hBitmap As Long, _ ByVal TransparentColor As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Dest_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal Srce_X As Long, _ Optional ByVal Srce_Y As Long, _ Optional ByVal hDC_Background As Long) As Boolean Dim TempBITMAP As BITMAP Dim PreviousColor As Long 'COLORREF Dim hBMP_AndBack As Long 'HBITMAP Dim hBMP_BackOld As Long 'HBITMAP Dim hBMP_AndObject As Long 'HBITMAP Dim hBMP_ObjectOld As Long 'HBITMAP Dim hBMP_AndMem As Long 'HBITMAP Dim hBMP_MemOld As Long 'HBITMAP Dim hBMP_Save As Long 'HBITMAP Dim hBMP_SaveOld As Long 'HBITMAP Dim hDC_Mem As Long 'HDC Dim hDC_Back As Long 'HDC Dim hDC_Object As Long 'HDC Dim hDC_Temp As Long 'HDC Dim hDC_Save As Long 'HDC Dim PicWidth As Long Dim PicHeight As Long ' Make sure parameters passed are valid If Dest_hDC = 0 Or hBitmap = 0 Then Exit Function ' Make sure the transparent color is a valid Win32 color TransparentColor = TranslateColor(TransparentColor) If TransparentColor = -1 Then Exit Function ' Create the DC to work from and get info on the bitmap hDC_Temp = CreateCompatibleDC(Dest_hDC) SelectObject hDC_Temp, hBitmap GetObjectAPI hBitmap, Len(TempBITMAP), TempBITMAP PicWidth = TempBITMAP.bmWidth PicHeight = TempBITMAP.bmHeight ' Create some DCs to hold temporary data hDC_Back = CreateCompatibleDC(Dest_hDC) hDC_Object = CreateCompatibleDC(Dest_hDC) hDC_Mem = CreateCompatibleDC(Dest_hDC) hDC_Save = CreateCompatibleDC(Dest_hDC) ' Monochrome DC hBMP_AndBack = CreateBitmap(PicWidth, PicHeight, 1, 1, 0) ' Monochrome DC hBMP_AndObject = CreateBitmap(PicWidth, PicHeight, 1, 1, 0) ' Compatible DC's hBMP_AndMem = CreateCompatibleBitmap(Dest_hDC, PicWidth, PicHeight) hBMP_Save = CreateCompatibleBitmap(Dest_hDC, PicWidth, PicHeight) ' Each DC must select a bitmap object to store pixel data. hBMP_BackOld = SelectObject(hDC_Back, hBMP_AndBack) hBMP_ObjectOld = SelectObject(hDC_Object, hBMP_AndObject) hBMP_MemOld = SelectObject(hDC_Mem, hBMP_AndMem) hBMP_SaveOld = SelectObject(hDC_Save, hBMP_Save) ' Set proper mapping mode. SetMapMode hDC_Temp, GetMapMode(Dest_hDC) ' Save the bitmap sent here, because it will be overwritten BitBlt hDC_Save, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Temp, Srce_X, Srce_Y, vbSrcCopy ' Set the background color of the source DC to the color contained in the parts of the bitmap that should be transparent PreviousColor = SetBkColor(hDC_Temp, TransparentColor) ' Create the object mask for the bitmap by performaing a BitBlt from the source bitmap to a monochrome bitmap. BitBlt hDC_Object, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Temp, Srce_X, Srce_Y, vbSrcCopy ' Set the background color of the source DC back to the original color SetBkColor hDC_Temp, PreviousColor ' Create the inverse of the object mask. BitBlt hDC_Back, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Object, 0, 0, vbNotSrcCopy ' Copy the background of the main DC to the destination If hDC_Background <> 0 Then BitBlt hDC_Mem, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Background, Dest_X, Dest_Y, vbSrcCopy Else BitBlt hDC_Mem, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, Dest_hDC, Dest_X, Dest_Y, vbSrcCopy End If ' Mask out the places where the bitmap will be placed BitBlt hDC_Mem, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Object, 0, 0, vbSrcAnd ' Mask out the transparent colored pixels on the bitmap BitBlt hDC_Temp, Srce_X, Srce_Y, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Back, 0, 0, vbSrcAnd ' XOR the bitmap with the background on the destination DC BitBlt hDC_Mem, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Temp, Srce_X, Srce_Y, vbSrcPaint ' Copy the destination to the screen BitBlt Dest_hDC, Dest_X, Dest_Y, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Mem, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy ' Place the original bitmap back into the bitmap sent here BitBlt hDC_Temp, Srce_X, Srce_Y, PicWidth, PicHeight, hDC_Save, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy ' Delete memory bitmaps DeleteObject SelectObject(hDC_Back, hBMP_BackOld): hBMP_AndBack = 0 DeleteObject SelectObject(hDC_Object, hBMP_ObjectOld): hBMP_AndObject = 0 DeleteObject SelectObject(hDC_Mem, hBMP_MemOld): hBMP_AndMem = 0 DeleteObject SelectObject(hDC_Save, hBMP_SaveOld): hBMP_Save = 0 ' Delete memory DC's DeleteDC hDC_Back: hDC_Back = 0 DeleteDC hDC_Mem: hDC_Mem = 0 DeleteDC hDC_Object: hDC_Object = 0 DeleteDC hDC_Temp: hDC_Temp = 0 DeleteDC hDC_Save: hDC_Save = 0 RenderBitmapTransparent = True End Function '============================================================================================================= ' ' TileBitmap ' ' This function makes it easy to tile the specified picture onto any Device Context (DC). ' ' Parameter: Use: ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Dest_hDC Specifies the Device Context to tile to (must be pre-initialized and the same ' size as is specified in the "Dest_Width" and "Dest_Height" perameters - You ' can size a memory DC by creating a BITMAP in memory to the size you want the ' DC to be by calling the "CreateCompatibleBitmap" API, then SelectObject the ' BITMAP into the DC). ' hBitmap Specifies the handle to the image to tile ' Dest_Width Specifies the width in pixels of the DC specified in the "Dest_hDC" parameter ' Dest_Height Specifies the height in pixels of the DC specified in the "Dest_hDC" parameter ' ' Return: ' ------- ' If the function succeeds, the return is TRUE ' If the function fails, the return is FALSE ' '============================================================================================================= Public Function TileBitmap(ByVal Dest_hDC As Long, _ ByVal hBitmap As Long, _ ByVal Dest_Width As Long, _ ByVal Dest_Height As Long) As Boolean Dim CurrentX As Long Dim CurrentY As Long Dim TempBITMAP As BITMAP ' Make sure the parameters passed are VALID If hBitmap = 0 Or Dest_hDC = 0 Or Dest_Width <= 0 Or Dest_Height <= 0 Then Exit Function ' Get the dimentions of the specified bitmap (this also verifies the image is truely a BITMAP) If GetObjectAPI(hBitmap, Len(TempBITMAP), TempBITMAP) = 0 Then Exit Function ' Line by line, row by row, tile the picture into the specified DC While CurrentX < Dest_Width While CurrentY < Dest_Height If RenderBitmap(Dest_hDC, hBitmap, CurrentX, CurrentY, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) = False Then Exit Function CurrentY = CurrentY + TempBITMAP.bmHeight Wend CurrentY = 0 CurrentX = CurrentX + TempBITMAP.bmWidth Wend TileBitmap = True End Function ' Function that converts automation colors such as "vbButtonFace" to standard ' color such as "12632256". It is safest to pass all colors through this ' function to make sure that if a user passes a color like "Me.BackColor" and ' the BackColor is vbButtonFace, it won't mess up any of the API's that are ' expecting a normal color value. Public Function TranslateColor(ByVal oClr As Long, Optional ByVal hPal As Long = 0) As Long On Error Resume Next If OleTranslateColor(oClr, hPal, TranslateColor) <> 0 Then TranslateColor = -1 End Function ' Takes a color value and converts it to an equivalent grayscale value Private Function GrayScale(ByVal ColorToConvert As Long, Optional ByVal ExemptColor As Long = -1) As Long If ExemptColor = -1 Then ColorToConvert = 0.33 * (ColorToConvert Mod 256) + _ 0.59 * ((ColorToConvert \ 256) Mod 256) + _ 0.11 * ((ColorToConvert \ 65536) Mod 256) GrayScale = RGB(ColorToConvert, ColorToConvert, ColorToConvert) Exit Function Else If ColorToConvert <> ExemptColor Then ColorToConvert = 0.33 * (ColorToConvert Mod 256) + _ 0.59 * ((ColorToConvert \ 256) Mod 256) + _ 0.11 * ((ColorToConvert \ 65536) Mod 256) GrayScale = RGB(ColorToConvert, ColorToConvert, ColorToConvert) Exit Function End If End If GrayScale = ColorToConvert End Function