VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "cMCI" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit '============================================================================================================= ' ' cMCI Class Module ' ----------------- ' ' Created By : Kevin Wilson ' ( The VB Zone ) ' ( The VB Zone .net ) ' ' Last Update : July 29, 2001 ' ' VB Versions : 5.0 / 6.0 ' ' Requires : Sound Card ' ' Description : This class module was created to easily play multimedia files either from a file, or from a ' resource file that's included in a VB project... all without having to use ActiveX controls ' that are a pain to redistribute. This class module also gives you full control over a CD-ROM ' drive enabling you to play and manipulate audio CD's from it from withing your VB project. ' ' With this class, you can play the following file types : ' - .WAV (WAVE Audio Files) ' - .MID (MIDI Sequence Files) ' - .AVI (Movie Files) ' - CD Audio ' ' With this class, you can control the following system volumes : ' - MASTER Volume ' - WAVE Device Volume ' - MIDI Device Volume ' - CD-ROM Audio Volume ' ' This class can also be used to extract files from a resource by using the ExtractFromRES method ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ~ ABOUT THIS CODE ~ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' This class allows you to do the following things, all using the mciSendString ' Windows API alone : ' ' - Play Wave Files (.WAV) from a file or VB resource ' - Play MIDI Files (.MID) from a file or VB resource ' - Play AVI Files (.AVI) from a file or VB resource ' - Play Audio CD-ROMS ' - Play Multiple Wave and AVI files simotaniously by using ' different Device Names (if your sound card supports it) ' - Play AVI Files inside of other objects given that ' object's handle alone ' - Play, Pause, Resume, & Stop Wave, MIDI, and AVI files ' - Eject and Close the CD-ROM Drive ' - Play, Pause, Skip Tracks, and Stop Audio CD's on any ' available CD-ROM drive on your computer given it's letter ' - Get the status, current playing position, display format, ' and total number of tracks of an Audio CD-ROM ' - Extract a file from a VB Resource in your project by ' it's Type Name and ID Number ' - Get error messages returned from the mciSendString API ' - Adjust the volume for the system, WAVE device, MIDI device, & CD-ROM ' ' At this time, this code doesn't support fast forwarding thru ' WAVE, MIDI, AVI, or Audio CD... I may add that ability soon. ' I'm pretty sure this can be accomplished by using the seek ' command and I'll be looking into it. ' ' Also, at this time, this code doesn't support multimedia ' recording... another thing I'd like to add and probibly will. ' ' Visit my web page for updates to this code in the future. ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Example Use : ' ============= ' ' ' If you declare the cMCI variable in a sub or function, once the sub ' ' finishs, the class is terminated and all multimedia is closed. ' Private MCI As New cMCI ' ' Private Sub Form_Load() ' ' Dim MyAnswer As VbMsgBoxResult ' ' ' Initialize MCI player ' Set MCI = New cMCI ' MCI.MCI_ShowErrors = False ' ' ' Make sure the form is visible ' Me.Show ' DoEvents ' ' ' Play first AVI in the calling form (from a file) ' MCI.MCI_DeviceID = "AVI1" ' MCI.MCI_PlayAVI_File "C:\TEMP\1.AVI", , , True, Me.hwnd ' GoSub ClickOK ' ' ' Play second AVI in a floating window (from a resource) ' MCI.MCI_DeviceID = "AVI2" ' MCI.MCI_PlayAVI_RES "AVI", 1, " TESTING", True ' GoSub ClickOK ' ' ' Play first .MID file (from a file) ' MCI.MCI_DeviceID = "MID1" ' MCI.MCI_PlayMIDI_File "C:\TEMP\1.MID" ' GoSub ClickOK ' ' ' Play second .MID file (from a resource) ' MCI.MCI_DeviceID = "MID2" ' MCI.MCI_PlayMIDI_RES "MIDI", 1 ' GoSub ClickOK ' ' ' Play first .WAV file (from a file) ' MCI.MCI_DeviceID = "WAV1" ' MCI.MCI_PlayWAVE_File "C:\TEMP\1.WAV" ' GoSub ClickOK ' ' ' Play second .WAV file (from a resource) ' MCI.MCI_DeviceID = "WAV2" ' MCI.MCI_PlayWAVE_RES "WAVE", 1 ' GoSub ClickOK ' ' ' If a CD-ROM drive exists on the system ' MCI.MCI_DeviceID = "CDROM" ' If MCI.CheckForCDROM <> 0 Then ' ' Play track 1 from the CD-ROM ' MCI.MCI_PlayCDAudio 1 ' GoSub ClickOK ' ' ' Open then close the CD-ROM drive's door ' MCI.MCI_CDDoorOpen ' GoSub ClickOK ' MCI.MCI_CDDoorClose ' End If ' ' Unload Me ' ' Exit Sub ' ' ClickOK: ' ' MyAnswer = MsgBox("Click OK to continue" & Chr(13) & "Click CANCEL to abort", vbOKCancel, "") ' If MyAnswer = vbCancel Then ' Unload Me ' Exit Sub ' End If ' Return ' ' End Sub ' '============================================================================================================= ' ' LEGAL: ' ' You are free to use this code as long as you keep the above heading information intact and unchanged. Credit ' given where credit is due. Also, it is not required, but it would be appreciated if you would mention ' somewhere in your compiled program that that your program makes use of code written and distributed by ' Kevin Wilson ( Feel free to link to this code via your web site or articles. ' ' You may NOT take this code and pass it off as your own. You may NOT distribute this code on your own server ' or web site. You may NOT take code created by Kevin Wilson ( and use it to create products, ' utilities, or applications that directly compete with products, utilities, and applications created by Kevin ' Wilson,, or Wilson Media. You may NOT take this code and sell it for profit without first ' obtaining the written consent of the author Kevin Wilson. ' ' These conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the owner Kevin Wilson at any time without ' warning or notice. Copyright© by Kevin Wilson. All rights reserved. ' '============================================================================================================= ' Declare Types Private Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Private Const MAXPNAMELEN = 32 Private Const MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS = 64 Private Const MIXER_SHORT_NAME_CHARS = 16 Private Type MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED dwValue As Long End Type Private Type MIXERCONTROL cbStruct As Long dwControlID As Long dwControlType As Long fdwControl As Long cMultipleItems As Long szShortName As String * MIXER_SHORT_NAME_CHARS szName As String * MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS lMinimum As Long lMaximum As Long Reserved(10) As Long End Type Private Type MIXERCONTROLDETAILS cbStruct As Long dwControlID As Long cChannels As Long item As Long cbDetails As Long paDetails As Long End Type Private Type MIXERLINE cbStruct As Long dwDestination As Long dwSource As Long dwLineID As Long fdwLine As Long dwUser As Long dwComponentType As Long cChannels As Long cConnections As Long cControls As Long szShortName As String * MIXER_SHORT_NAME_CHARS szName As String * MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS dwType As Long dwDeviceID As Long wMid As Integer wPid As Integer vDriverVersion As Long szPname As String * MAXPNAMELEN End Type Private Type MIXERLINECONTROLS cbStruct As Long dwLineID As Long dwControl As Long cControls As Long cbmxctrl As Long pamxctrl As Long End Type ' General Constants Private Const FILE_MAX_PATH As Integer = 255 Private Const FILE_PREFIX As String = "MCI" ' Error Constants Private Const MMSYSERR_NOERROR = 0 Private Const MCIERR_BASE = 256 Private Const MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT = (MCIERR_BASE + 34) Private Const MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER = (MCIERR_BASE + 14) Private Const MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT = (MCIERR_BASE + 37) Private Const MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER = (MCIERR_BASE + 10) Private Const MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL = (MCIERR_BASE + 23) Private Const MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW = (MCIERR_BASE + 91) Private Const MCIERR_CUSTOM_DRIVER_BASE = (MCIERR_BASE + 256) Private Const MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH = (MCIERR_BASE + 54) Private Const MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED = (MCIERR_BASE + 32) Private Const MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED = (MCIERR_BASE + 50) Private Const MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY = (MCIERR_BASE + 20) Private Const MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN = (MCIERR_BASE + 9) Private Const MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH = (MCIERR_BASE + 55) Private Const MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED = (MCIERR_BASE + 31) Private Const MCIERR_DRIVER = (MCIERR_BASE + 22) Private Const MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL = (MCIERR_BASE + 16) Private Const MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS = (MCIERR_BASE + 33) Private Const MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS = (MCIERR_BASE + 39) Private Const MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND = (MCIERR_BASE + 25) Private Const MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS = (MCIERR_BASE + 49) Private Const MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = (MCIERR_BASE + 19) Private Const MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED = (MCIERR_BASE + 30) Private Const MCIERR_FILE_READ = (MCIERR_BASE + 92) Private Const MCIERR_FILE_WRITE = (MCIERR_BASE + 93) Private Const MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED = (MCIERR_BASE + 48) Private Const MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE = (MCIERR_BASE + 28) Private Const MCIERR_GET_CD = (MCIERR_BASE + 51) Private Const MCIERR_HARDWARE = (MCIERR_BASE + 6) Private Const MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN = (MCIERR_BASE + 47) Private Const MCIERR_INTERNAL = (MCIERR_BASE + 21) Private Const MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID = (MCIERR_BASE + 1) Private Const MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME = (MCIERR_BASE + 7) Private Const MCIERR_INVALID_FILE = (MCIERR_BASE + 40) Private Const MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING = (MCIERR_BASE + 11) Private Const MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME = (MCIERR_BASE + 36) Private Const MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER = (MCIERR_BASE + 17) Private Const MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT = (MCIERR_BASE + 13) Private Const MCIERR_MULTIPLE = (MCIERR_BASE + 24) Private Const MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE = (MCIERR_BASE + 35) Private Const MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS = (MCIERR_BASE + 43) Private Const MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE = (MCIERR_BASE + 38) Private Const MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED = (MCIERR_BASE + 45) Private Const MCIERR_NO_INTEGER = (MCIERR_BASE + 56) Private Const MCIERR_NO_WINDOW = (MCIERR_BASE + 90) Private Const MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION = (MCIERR_BASE + 46) Private Const MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN = (MCIERR_BASE + 44) Private Const MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK = (MCIERR_BASE + 41) Private Const MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = (MCIERR_BASE + 8) Private Const MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE = (MCIERR_BASE + 26) Private Const MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW = (MCIERR_BASE + 12) Private Const MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL = (MCIERR_BASE + 15) Private Const MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE = (MCIERR_BASE + 80) Private Const MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT = (MCIERR_BASE + 87) Private Const MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE = (MCIERR_BASE + 81) Private Const MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE = (MCIERR_BASE + 83) Private Const MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR = (MCIERR_BASE + 84) Private Const MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT = (MCIERR_BASE + 82) Private Const MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED = (MCIERR_BASE + 86) Private Const MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER = (MCIERR_BASE + 85) Private Const MCIERR_SET_CD = (MCIERR_BASE + 52) Private Const MCIERR_SET_DRIVE = (MCIERR_BASE + 53) Private Const MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE = (MCIERR_BASE + 42) Private Const MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND = (MCIERR_BASE + 5) Private Const MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD = (MCIERR_BASE + 3) Private Const MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION = (MCIERR_BASE + 18) Private Const MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE = (MCIERR_BASE + 66) Private Const MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE = (MCIERR_BASE + 72) Private Const MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED = (MCIERR_BASE + 69) Private Const MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE = (MCIERR_BASE + 64) Private Const MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE = (MCIERR_BASE + 70) Private Const MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED = (MCIERR_BASE + 68) Private Const MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE = (MCIERR_BASE + 67) Private Const MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE = (MCIERR_BASE + 73) Private Const MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE = (MCIERR_BASE + 65) Private Const MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE = (MCIERR_BASE + 71) ' Drive Identification Constants Private Const DRIVE_CDROM = 5 Private Const DRIVE_FIXED = 3 Private Const DRIVE_RAMDISK = 6 Private Const DRIVE_REMOTE = 4 Private Const DRIVE_REMOVABLE = 2 Private Const DRIVE_UNKNOWN = 0 ' Volume Constants Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST = &H0& Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST = &H1000& Private Const MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_COMPONENTTYPE = &H3& Private Const MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE = &H2& Private Const MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE = &H0& Private Const MIXERCONTROL_CT_CLASS_FADER = &H50000000 Private Const MIXERCONTROL_CT_UNITS_UNSIGNED = &H30000 Private Const MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_FADER = (MIXERCONTROL_CT_CLASS_FADER Or MIXERCONTROL_CT_UNITS_UNSIGNED) Private Const MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME = (MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_FADER + 1) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_DIGITAL = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST + 1) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_HEADPHONES = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST + 5) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_LAST = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST + 8) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_LINE = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST + 2) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_MONITOR = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST + 3) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST + 4) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_TELEPHONE = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST + 6) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_UNDEFINED = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST + 0) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_VOICEIN = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST + 8) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_WAVEIN = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_FIRST + 7) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_ANALOG = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 10) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_AUXILIARY = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 9) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_COMPACTDISC = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 5) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_DIGITAL = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 1) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_LAST = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 10) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_LINE = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 2) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_MICROPHONE = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 3) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_PCSPEAKER = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 7) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_SYNTHESIZER = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 4) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_TELEPHONE = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 6) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_UNDEFINED = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 0) Private Const MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT = (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_FIRST + 8) ' Declare Variables Private strTempPath As String Private strTempFile As String Private strDeviceID As String Private strDevice() As String Private lngDevices As Long Private strTemp_File() As String Private lngTemp_Files As Long Private strTemp_Info() As String Private lngTemp_Infos As Long Private ReturnValue As Long Private lngLastError As Long Private boolShowErrors As Boolean Private boolMCIIsOpen As Boolean Private boolShutItDown As Boolean Private CDFormat As String Private VolCtrl_Sys As MIXERCONTROL Private VolCtrl_Wav As MIXERCONTROL Private VolCtrl_Mid As MIXERCONTROL Private VolCtrl_CD As MIXERCONTROL Private VolMin_Sys As Long Private VolMax_Sys As Long Private VolMin_Wav As Long Private VolMax_Wav As Long Private VolMin_Mid As Long Private VolMax_Mid As Long Private VolMin_CD As Long Private VolMax_CD As Long Private hMixer As Long ' Declare API Functions/Subs Private Declare Sub CopyStructFromPtr Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (struct As Any, ByVal ptr As Long, ByVal cb As Long) Private Declare Sub CopyPtrFromStruct Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByVal ptr As Long, struct As Any, ByVal cb As Long) Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "USER32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetTempFileName Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "GetTempFileNameA" (ByVal lpszPath As String, ByVal lpPrefixString As String, ByVal wUnique As Long, ByVal lpTempFileName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "USER32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowText Lib "USER32" Alias "SetWindowTextA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal LPString As String) As Long Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long Private Declare Function MoveWindow Lib "USER32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal bRepaint As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetDriveTypeA Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal nDrive As String) As Long Private Declare Function mixerClose Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal hMixer As Long) As Long Private Declare Function mixerGetLineControls Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetLineControlsA" (ByVal hMixerObj As Long, pMixerLc As MIXERLINECONTROLS, ByVal fdwControls As Long) As Long Private Declare Function mixerGetLineInfo Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetLineInfoA" (ByVal hMixerObj As Long, pMixerL As MIXERLINE, ByVal fdwInfo As Long) As Long Private Declare Function mixerOpen Lib "winmm.dll" (ByRef phMixer As Long, ByVal uMxId As Long, ByVal dwCallback As Long, ByVal dwInstance As Long, ByVal fdwOpen As Long) As Long Private Declare Function mixerSetControlDetails Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal hMixerObj As Long, pMixerCD As MIXERCONTROLDETAILS, ByVal fdwDetails As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long '============================================================================================================= ' CLASS INITIALIZATIONS '============================================================================================================= ' This is the first thing that executes in the Class module Private Sub Class_Initialize() On Error Resume Next Dim ReturnOK As Boolean ' Set the default Device ID name to "TheDevice" strDeviceID = "TheDevice" ' Set the default CD display to milliseconds CDFormat = "m" ' Record the device name so it can be shut down later lngDevices = lngDevices + 1 ReDim strDevice(lngDevices) As String strDevice(lngDevices) = strDeviceID ' Open the volume mixer with deviceID 0 If mixerOpen(hMixer, 0, 0, 0, 0) <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR Then If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox "An error occured while trying to access the volume mixer.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Error Opening Volume Mixer" End If End If ' Get SYSTEM VOLUME information ReturnOK = False ReturnOK = MCI_VolumeGet(hMixer, MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS, MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME, VolCtrl_Sys) If ReturnOK = True Then VolMax_Sys = VolCtrl_Sys.lMaximum VolMin_Sys = VolCtrl_Sys.lMinimum End If ' Get WAVE VOLUME information ReturnOK = False ReturnOK = MCI_VolumeGet(hMixer, MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT, MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME, VolCtrl_Wav) If ReturnOK = True Then VolMax_Wav = VolCtrl_Wav.lMaximum VolMin_Wav = VolCtrl_Wav.lMinimum End If ' Get MIDI VOLUME information ReturnOK = False ReturnOK = MCI_VolumeGet(hMixer, MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_SYNTHESIZER, MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME, VolCtrl_Mid) If ReturnOK = True Then VolMax_Mid = VolCtrl_Mid.lMaximum VolMin_Mid = VolCtrl_Mid.lMinimum End If ' Get CD-ROM VOLUME information ReturnOK = False ReturnOK = MCI_VolumeGet(hMixer, MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_COMPACTDISC, MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME, VolCtrl_CD) If ReturnOK = True Then VolMax_CD = VolCtrl_CD.lMaximum VolMin_CD = VolCtrl_CD.lMinimum End If End Sub ' This is the last thing that executes in the Class module before it's destroyed Private Sub Class_Terminate() On Error Resume Next Dim MyCounter As Long boolShutItDown = True Close ' Close all devices that have been opened For MyCounter = 0 To lngDevices If strDevice(MyCounter) <> "" Then strDeviceID = strDevice(MyCounter) MCI_Stop MCI_Close End If Next ' Delete all the temp files that have been created by this program CleanUpTempFiles ' Close the mixer mixerClose hMixer ' Free up the variable arrays Erase strDevice Erase strTemp_File Erase strTemp_Info End Sub '============================================================================================================= ' CLASS PROPERTIES '============================================================================================================= ' Returns what the current position format is set to ' *NOTE: Valid options are 'm', 'msf', & 'tmsf' Public Property Get MCI_CDDisplayFormat() As String On Error Resume Next MCI_CDDisplayFormat = CDFormat End Property ' Sets what the current position format is set to ' *NOTE: Valid options are 'm', 'msf', & 'tmsf' Public Property Let MCI_CDDisplayFormat(ByVal NewValue As String) On Error Resume Next Dim ReturnString As String * 255 If UCase(NewValue) <> "M" And UCase(NewValue) <> "MSF" And UCase(NewValue) <> "TMSF" Then If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox "MCI_CDDisplayFormat value can only be one of the following:" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "'m' = Milliseconds" & Chr(13) & "'msf' = Min, Sec, Frame" & Chr(13) & "'tmsf' = Track, Min, Sec, Frame", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Invalid Property" End If CDFormat = "m" Exit Property End If ReturnValue = mciSendString("set " & strDeviceID & " time format " & LCase(NewValue), 0&, 0, 0) ' Check if errors occured If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Property End If CDFormat = NewValue End Property ' Return how many tracks are on the current Audio CD-ROM Public Property Get MCI_CDNumberOfTracks() As Integer On Error Resume Next Dim ReturnString As String * 255 ReturnValue = mciSendString("status " & strDeviceID & " number of tracks", ReturnString, 255, 0) ' Check if errors occured If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Property End If If InStr(ReturnString, Chr(0)) > 1 Then MCI_CDNumberOfTracks = CInt(Left(ReturnString, (InStr(ReturnString, Chr(0)) - 1))) End If End Property ' Returns what the current status of the CD-ROM drive is Public Property Get MCI_CDStatus() As String On Error Resume Next Dim ReturnString As String * 255 ReturnValue = mciSendString("status " & strDeviceID & " ready", ReturnString, 255, 0) ' Check if errors occured If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Property End If If UCase(Left(ReturnString, (InStr(ReturnString, Chr(0)) - 1))) = "TRUE" Then MCI_CDStatus = "Ready" Else ReturnValue = mciSendString("status " & strDeviceID & " mode", ReturnString, 255, 0) ' Check if errors occured If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Property End If MCI_CDStatus = Left(ReturnString, (InStr(ReturnString, Chr(0)) - 1)) End If End Property ' Returns the current reading position of the Audio CD-ROM Public Property Get MCI_CDPosition(Optional ReturnTrackPos As Boolean = False, Optional CurrentTrack As Integer) As String On Error Resume Next Dim ReturnString As String * 255 If ReturnTrackPos = True Then ReturnValue = mciSendString("status " & strDeviceID & " position track " & CStr(CurrentTrack), ReturnString, 255, 0) Else ReturnValue = mciSendString("status " & strDeviceID & " position", ReturnString, 255, 0) End If ' Check if errors occured If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Property End If MCI_CDPosition = Left(ReturnString, (InStr(ReturnString, Chr(0)) - 1)) End Property ' Returns the last error that occured ' if the value is returned as 0, there has been no error encountered yet Public Property Get MCI_LastError() As Long On Error Resume Next MCI_LastError = lngLastError End Property ' Returns the current Device ID name ' The default is set to "TheDevice" in the Class_Initialize event Public Property Get MCI_DeviceID() As String On Error Resume Next MCI_DeviceID = strDeviceID End Property ' Sets the Device ID name to use Public Property Let MCI_DeviceID(ByVal NewValue As String) On Error Resume Next If NewValue <> "" Then ' Set the new device name strDeviceID = NewValue ' Record the device name so it can be shut down later lngDevices = lngDevices + 1 ReDim Preserve strDevice(lngDevices) As String strDevice(lngDevices) = NewValue Else If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox "Invalid Device ID Specified :" & Chr(13) & "You can't specify BLANK as your Device ID.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Invlid Device ID" End If End If End Property ' Returns if the program will show error messages when errors occur ' False = the default Public Property Get MCI_ShowErrors() As Boolean On Error Resume Next MCI_ShowErrors = boolShowErrors End Property ' Sets if the program will show error messages when errors occur Public Property Let MCI_ShowErrors(ByVal NewValue As Boolean) On Error Resume Next boolShowErrors = NewValue End Property Public Property Let MCI_VolumeSystem(ByVal NewValue As Long) ' Make sure value passed is valid If NewValue > VolMax_Sys Then NewValue = VolMax_Sys ElseIf NewValue < VolMin_Sys Then NewValue = VolMin_Sys End If ' Set the mixer's volume MCI_VolumeSet hMixer, VolCtrl_Sys, NewValue End Property Public Property Get MCI_VolumeSystem_Max() As Long MCI_VolumeSystem_Max = VolMax_Sys End Property Public Property Get MCI_VolumeSystem_Min() As Long MCI_VolumeSystem_Min = VolMin_Sys End Property Public Property Let MCI_VolumeWAVE(ByVal NewValue As Long) ' Make sure value passed is valid If NewValue > VolMax_Wav Then NewValue = VolMax_Sys ElseIf NewValue < VolMin_Wav Then NewValue = VolMin_Sys End If ' Set the mixer's volume MCI_VolumeSet hMixer, VolCtrl_Wav, NewValue End Property Public Property Get MCI_VolumeWAVE_Max() As Long MCI_VolumeWAVE_Max = VolMax_Wav End Property Public Property Get MCI_VolumeWAVE_Min() As Long MCI_VolumeWAVE_Min = VolMin_Wav End Property Public Property Let MCI_VolumeMIDI(ByVal NewValue As Long) ' Make sure value passed is valid If NewValue > VolMax_Mid Then NewValue = VolMax_Sys ElseIf NewValue < VolMin_Mid Then NewValue = VolMin_Sys End If ' Set the mixer's volume MCI_VolumeSet hMixer, VolCtrl_Mid, NewValue End Property Public Property Get MCI_VolumeMIDI_Max() As Long MCI_VolumeMIDI_Max = VolMax_Mid End Property Public Property Get MCI_VolumeMIDI_Min() As Long MCI_VolumeMIDI_Min = VolMin_Mid End Property Public Property Let MCI_VolumeCD(ByVal NewValue As Long) ' Make sure value passed is valid If NewValue > VolMax_CD Then NewValue = VolMax_CD ElseIf NewValue < VolMin_CD Then NewValue = VolMin_CD End If ' Set the mixer's volume MCI_VolumeSet hMixer, VolCtrl_CD, NewValue End Property Public Property Get MCI_VolumeCD_Max() As Long MCI_VolumeCD_Max = VolMax_CD End Property Public Property Get MCI_VolumeCD_Min() As Long MCI_VolumeCD_Min = VolMin_CD End Property '============================================================================================================= ' CLASS METHODS '============================================================================================================= ' Function to find the MCI Error message based on the mciSendString return value Public Function MCI_GetErrorMsg(mciSendStringResult As Long) On Error Resume Next Dim ErrMsg As String Select Case mciSendStringResult Case MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT ErrMsg = "Bad Constant" Case MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER ErrMsg = "Bad Gnteger" Case MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT ErrMsg = "Bad Time Format" Case MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER ErrMsg = "Can't Load Driver" Case MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL ErrMsg = "Can Not Use All" Case MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW ErrMsg = "Create Window" Case MCIERR_CUSTOM_DRIVER_BASE ErrMsg = "Custom Driver Base" Case MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH ErrMsg = "Device Length" Case MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED ErrMsg = "Device Locked" Case MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED ErrMsg = "Device Not Installed" Case MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY ErrMsg = "Device Not Ready" Case MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN ErrMsg = "Device Open" Case MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH ErrMsg = "Device ord length" Case MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED ErrMsg = "Device Type Required" Case MCIERR_DRIVER ErrMsg = "Driver" Case MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL ErrMsg = "Driver Internal" Case MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS ErrMsg = "Duplicate Alias" Case MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS ErrMsg = "Duplicate Flags" Case MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND ErrMsg = "Extension Not Found" Case MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS ErrMsg = "Extra Characters" Case MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ErrMsg = "File Not Found" Case MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED ErrMsg = "File Not Saved" Case MCIERR_FILE_READ ErrMsg = "File Read" Case MCIERR_FILE_WRITE ErrMsg = "File Write" Case MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED ErrMsg = "Filename Required" Case MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE ErrMsg = "Flags Not Compatible" Case MCIERR_GET_CD ErrMsg = "Get CD" Case MCIERR_HARDWARE ErrMsg = "Hardware" Case MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN ErrMsg = "Illegal For Auto Open" Case MCIERR_INTERNAL ErrMsg = "Internal" Case MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID ErrMsg = "Invalid Device ID" Case MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME ErrMsg = "Invalid Device Name" Case MCIERR_INVALID_FILE ErrMsg = "Invalid File" Case MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING ErrMsg = "Missing Command String" Case MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME ErrMsg = "Missing Device Name" Case MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER ErrMsg = "Missing Parameter" Case MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT ErrMsg = "Missing String Arguments" Case MCIERR_MULTIPLE ErrMsg = "Multiple" Case MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE ErrMsg = "Must Use Shareable" Case MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS ErrMsg = "New Requires Alias" Case MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE ErrMsg = "No Closing Quote" Case MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED ErrMsg = "No Element Allowed" Case MCIERR_NO_INTEGER ErrMsg = "No Integer" Case MCIERR_NO_WINDOW ErrMsg = "No Window" Case MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION ErrMsg = "Nonapplicable Function" Case MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN ErrMsg = "Notify On Auto Open" Case MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK ErrMsg = "Null Parameter Block" Case MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ErrMsg = "Out Of Memory" Case MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE ErrMsg = "Out of Range" Case MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW ErrMsg = "Param Overflow" Case MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL ErrMsg = "Parser Internal" Case MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE ErrMsg = "Seq - Div Incompatible" Case MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT ErrMsg = "Seq - No Midi Present" Case MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE ErrMsg = "Seq - Port In Use" Case MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE ErrMsg = "Seq - Port Map No Device" Case MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR ErrMsg = "Seq - Port Misc Error" Case MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT ErrMsg = "Seq - Port Nonexistent" Case MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED ErrMsg = "Seq - Port Unspecified" Case MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER ErrMsg = "Seq - Timer" Case MCIERR_SET_CD ErrMsg = "Set CD" Case MCIERR_SET_DRIVE ErrMsg = "Set Drive" Case MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE ErrMsg = "Unnamed Resource" Case MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND ErrMsg = "Unrecognized Command" Case MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD ErrMsg = "Unrecognized Keyword" Case MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION ErrMsg = "Unsupported Function" Case MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE ErrMsg = "Wave - Input In Use" Case MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE ErrMsg = "Wave - Input Unsuitable" Case MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED ErrMsg = "Wave - Input Unspecified" Case MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE ErrMsg = "Wave - Output In Use" Case MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE ErrMsg = "Wave - Output unsuitable" Case MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED ErrMsg = "Wave - Output unspecified" Case MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE ErrMsg = "Wave - Set Input In Use" Case MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE ErrMsg = "Wave - Set Input Unsuitable" Case MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE ErrMsg = "Wave - Set Output In Use" Case MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE ErrMsg = "Wave - Set Output Unsuitable" End Select If boolShowErrors = True Then If ErrMsg <> "" Then MsgBox "The mciSendString function encountered the following error :" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & ErrMsg, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Multimedia Error Occured" Else MsgBox "The mciSendString function encountered an unspecified error.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Unspecified Error Occured" End If End If End Function ' Open the CD-ROM door Public Function MCI_CDDoorOpen() As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap If CheckForCDROM = 0 Then If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox "There were no CD-ROM drives detected on your machine." & Chr(13) & "Can't open CD-ROM door.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " No CD-ROM To Open" Exit Function End If End If MCI_Stop MCI_Close ReturnValue = mciSendString("Set cdaudio door open wait", 0&, 0, 0) ' Check if errors occured while opening If ReturnValue <> 0 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If MCI_CDDoorOpen = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Close the CD-ROM door Public Function MCI_CDDoorClose() As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap If CheckForCDROM = 0 Then If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox "There were no CD-ROM drives detected on your machine." & Chr(13) & "Can't close CD-ROM door.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " No CD-ROM To Close" Exit Function End If End If ReturnValue = mciSendString("Set cdaudio door closed wait", 0&, 0, 0) ' Check if errors occured while opening If ReturnValue <> 0 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If MCI_CDDoorClose = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Play an Audio CD-ROM by the specified drive Public Function MCI_PlayCDAudio(TrackToPlay As Integer, Optional CDDriveLetter As String = "") As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap Dim intTracks As Integer Dim ReturnString As String * 255 ' Check for valid drive letter If CDDriveLetter <> "" Then If Len(CDDriveLetter) > 1 Or IsNumeric(CDDriveLetter) = True Then If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox "Invalid CD-ROM drive specified to play.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Invalid CD-ROM Drive" Exit Function End If ' Check if computer has a CD-ROM to play ElseIf CheckDriveType(CDDriveLetter) <> "CD-ROM" Then If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox "Drive letter specified is not a CD-ROM drive.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Invalid CD-ROM Drive" Exit Function End If End If End If ' Close the MCI device if it's currently open MCI_Stop MCI_Close ' Open the CD Audio device If CDDriveLetter <> "" Then ReturnValue = mciSendString("open " & LCase(CDDriveLetter) & ": type cdaudio alias " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) Else ReturnValue = mciSendString("open cdaudio alias " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) End If ' Check if errors occured while opening If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If ' Set the position format boolMCIIsOpen = True mciSendString "set " & strDeviceID & " time format " & CDFormat, 0&, 0, 0 ' Check how many tracks are on the Audio CD-ROM mciSendString "status " & strDeviceID & " number of tracks", ReturnString, 255, 0 If InStr(ReturnString, Chr(0)) > 1 Then intTracks = CInt(Left(ReturnString, (InStr(ReturnString, Chr(0)) - 1))) End If ' Play the track specified If TrackToPlay > intTracks Then ReturnValue = mciSendString("play " & strDeviceID & " from " & intTracks, 0&, 0, 0) ElseIf TrackToPlay = 1 Or TrackToPlay = intTracks Then ReturnValue = mciSendString("play " & strDeviceID & " from " & TrackToPlay, 0&, 0, 0) Else ReturnValue = mciSendString("play " & strDeviceID & " from " & TrackToPlay & " to " & TrackToPlay + 1, 0&, 0, 0) End If ' Check for errors while playing If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If MCI_PlayCDAudio = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Play a .WAV file from a VB Resource in your project Public Function MCI_PlayWAVE_RES(RES_Type As String, RES_ID As Long) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap ' Close the MCI device if it's currently open If boolMCIIsOpen = True Then MCI_Stop MCI_Close boolMCIIsOpen = False End If ' Extract the .WAV file from the resource using the given info on it If ExtractFromRES(RES_Type, RES_ID) = False Then Exit Function End If ' Open the WAVE device ReturnValue = mciSendString("open waveaudio!" & strTempFile & " alias " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) ' Check if errors occured while opening If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If boolMCIIsOpen = True ' The notify tells the MCI command to return control to the application ReturnValue = mciSendString("play " & strDeviceID & " notify", 0&, 0, 0) ' Check for errors while playing If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If MCI_PlayWAVE_RES = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Play a .WAV file from the specified file on the hard drive Public Function MCI_PlayWAVE_File(WAVEFilePath As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap ' Close the MCI device if it's currently open If boolMCIIsOpen = True Then MCI_Stop MCI_Close boolMCIIsOpen = False End If ' Make sure file exists If Dir(WAVEFilePath) = "" Then If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox WAVEFilePath & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The specified file does not exist.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " File Not Found" End If Exit Function End If ' Open the WAVE device ReturnValue = mciSendString("open waveaudio!" & WAVEFilePath & " alias " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) ' Check if errors occured while opening If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If boolMCIIsOpen = True ' The notify tells the MCI command to return control to the application ReturnValue = mciSendString("play " & strDeviceID & " notify", 0&, 0, 0) ' Check for errors while playing If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If MCI_PlayWAVE_File = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Play a .MID file from a VB Resource in your project Public Function MCI_PlayMIDI_RES(RES_Type As String, RES_ID As Long) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap ' Close the MCI device if it's currently open If boolMCIIsOpen = True Then MCI_Stop MCI_Close boolMCIIsOpen = False End If ' Extract the .MID file from the resource using the given info on it If ExtractFromRES(RES_Type, RES_ID) = False Then Exit Function End If ' Open the MIDI device ReturnValue = mciSendString("open sequencer!" & strTempFile & " alias " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) ' Check if errors occured while opening If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If boolMCIIsOpen = True ' The notify tells the MCI command to return control to the application ReturnValue = mciSendString("play " & strDeviceID & " notify", 0&, 0, 0) ' Check for errors while playing If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If MCI_PlayMIDI_RES = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Play a .MID file from the specified file on the hard drive Public Function MCI_PlayMIDI_File(MIDIFilePath As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap ' Close the MCI device if it's currently open If boolMCIIsOpen = True Then MCI_Stop MCI_Close boolMCIIsOpen = False End If ' Make sure file exists If Dir(MIDIFilePath) = "" Then If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox MIDIFilePath & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The specified file does not exist.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " File Not Found" End If Exit Function End If ' Open the MIDI device ReturnValue = mciSendString("open sequencer!" & MIDIFilePath & " alias " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) ' Check if errors occured while opening If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If boolMCIIsOpen = True ' The notify tells the MCI command to return control to the application ReturnValue = mciSendString("play " & strDeviceID & " notify", 0&, 0, 0) ' Check for errors while playing If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If MCI_PlayMIDI_File = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Play an .AVI file from a VB Resource in your project Public Function MCI_PlayAVI_RES(RES_Type As String, RES_ID As Long, Optional WindowName As String = "", Optional CenterWindow As Boolean = False, Optional PlayInObject As Boolean = False, Optional ParentObjectHandle As Long = 0) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap Dim TheHandle As Long Dim WindowInfo As RECT Dim AVIHeight As Long Dim AVIWidth As Long ' Close the MCI device if it's currently open If boolMCIIsOpen = True Then MCI_Stop MCI_Close boolMCIIsOpen = False End If ' Extract the .AVI file from the resource using the given info on it If ExtractFromRES(RES_Type, RES_ID) = False Then Exit Function End If ' Open the AVI device If PlayInObject = True Then ReturnValue = mciSendString("open AVIvideo!" & strTempFile & " alias " & strDeviceID & " parent " & ParentObjectHandle & " style child", 0&, 0, 0) Else ReturnValue = mciSendString("open AVIvideo!" & strTempFile & " alias " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) End If ' Check if errors occured while opening If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If boolMCIIsOpen = True ' The notify tells the MCI command to return control to the application ReturnValue = mciSendString("play " & strDeviceID & " notify", 0&, 0, 0) ' Check for errors while playing If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If ' Get the AVI window's handle TheHandle = FindWindow(vbNullString, StripFileName(strTempFile)) If TheHandle = 0 Then TheHandle = FindWindow("AVIWnd", vbNullString) End If If TheHandle = 0 Then GoTo Finished End If ' Change the window's caption If WindowName <> "" And PlayInObject = False Then SetWindowText TheHandle, WindowName End If ' Get the AVI window's dimentions - Center window If CenterWindow = True And PlayInObject = False Then ReturnValue = GetWindowRect(TheHandle, WindowInfo) If ReturnValue <> 0 Then AVIHeight = WindowInfo.Bottom - WindowInfo.Top AVIWidth = WindowInfo.Right - WindowInfo.Left MoveWindow TheHandle, ((Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) - AVIWidth) / 2, ((Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) - AVIHeight) / 2, AVIWidth, AVIHeight, True End If End If Finished: MCI_PlayAVI_RES = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Play an .AVI file from the specified file on the hard drive Public Function MCI_PlayAVI_File(AVIFilePath As String, Optional WindowName As String = "", Optional CenterWindow As Boolean = False, Optional PlayInObject As Boolean = False, Optional ParentObjectHandle As Long = 0) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap Dim TheHandle As Long Dim WindowInfo As RECT Dim AVIHeight As Long Dim AVIWidth As Long ' Close the MCI device if it's currently open If boolMCIIsOpen = True Then MCI_Stop MCI_Close boolMCIIsOpen = False End If ' Make sure file exists If Dir(AVIFilePath) = "" Then If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox AVIFilePath & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The specified file does not exist.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " File Not Found" End If Exit Function End If ' Open the AVI device If PlayInObject = True Then ReturnValue = mciSendString("open AVIvideo!" & AVIFilePath & " alias " & strDeviceID & " parent " & ParentObjectHandle & " style child", 0&, 0, 0) Else ReturnValue = mciSendString("open AVIvideo!" & AVIFilePath & " alias " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) End If ' Check if errors occured while opening If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If boolMCIIsOpen = True ' The notify tells the MCI command to return control to the application ReturnValue = mciSendString("play " & strDeviceID & " notify", 0&, 0, 0) ' Check for errors while playing If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If If PlayInObject = True Then GoTo Finished End If ' Get the AVI window's handle TheHandle = FindWindow(vbNullString, StripFileName(AVIFilePath)) If TheHandle = 0 Then TheHandle = FindWindow("AVIWnd", vbNullString) End If If TheHandle = 0 Then GoTo Finished End If ' Change the window's caption If WindowName <> "" Then SetWindowText TheHandle, WindowName End If ' Get the AVI window's dimentions - Center window If CenterWindow = True Then ReturnValue = GetWindowRect(TheHandle, WindowInfo) If ReturnValue <> 0 Then AVIHeight = WindowInfo.Bottom - WindowInfo.Top AVIWidth = WindowInfo.Right - WindowInfo.Left MoveWindow TheHandle, ((Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) - AVIWidth) / 2, ((Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) - AVIHeight) / 2, AVIWidth, AVIHeight, True End If End If Finished: MCI_PlayAVI_File = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Pause the current device Public Function MCI_Pause() As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap ' Puase the device ReturnValue = mciSendString("pause " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) ' Check if errors occured If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If MCI_Pause = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Resume the current device if it's been paused ' *NOTE: CD-ROM Audio does not support RESUME so PAUSE acts like STOP Public Function MCI_Resume() As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap ' Resume the device ReturnValue = mciSendString("resume " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) ' Check if errors occured If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If MCI_Resume = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Stop the currently playing device Public Function MCI_Stop() As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap boolMCIIsOpen = False ' Stop the device ReturnValue = mciSendString("stop " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) ' Check if errors occured If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 And boolShutItDown = False Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If MCI_Stop = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Close the current open device Public Function MCI_Close() As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap boolMCIIsOpen = False ' Close the device ReturnValue = mciSendString("close " & strDeviceID, 0&, 0, 0) ' Check if errors occured If ReturnValue <> 0 And ReturnValue <> 289 And ReturnValue <> 263 And boolShutItDown = False Then MCI_GetErrorMsg ReturnValue Exit Function End If MCI_Close = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' This function attempts to obtain a mixer control Private Function MCI_VolumeGet(ByVal hMixer As Long, ByVal ComponentType As Long, ByVal CtrlType As Long, ByRef MxC As MIXERCONTROL) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim ReturnCode As Long Dim MxLC As MIXERLINECONTROLS Dim MxL As MIXERLINE Dim hMem As Long MxL.cbStruct = Len(MxL) MxL.dwComponentType = ComponentType ' Get a line corresponding to the component type ReturnCode = mixerGetLineInfo(hMixer, MxL, MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_COMPONENTTYPE) If ReturnCode = MMSYSERR_NOERROR Then With MxLC .cbStruct = Len(MxLC) .dwLineID = MxL.dwLineID .dwControl = CtrlType .cControls = 1 .cbmxctrl = Len(MxC) End With ' Allocate a buffer for the control hMem = GlobalAlloc(&H40, Len(MxC)) MxLC.pamxctrl = GlobalLock(hMem) MxC.cbStruct = Len(MxC) ' Get the control ReturnCode = mixerGetLineControls(hMixer, MxLC, MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE) If ReturnCode = MMSYSERR_NOERROR Then MCI_VolumeGet = True ' Copy the control into the destination structure CopyStructFromPtr MxC, MxLC.pamxctrl, Len(MxC) Else MCI_VolumeGet = False End If GlobalFree hMem Exit Function End If MCI_VolumeGet = False End Function ' Sets the volume control Private Function MCI_VolumeSet(ByVal hMixer As Long, MxC As MIXERCONTROL, ByVal Volume As Long) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim ReturnCode As Long Dim MxCD As MIXERCONTROLDETAILS Dim Vol As MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED Dim hMem As Long With MxCD .item = 0 .dwControlID = MxC.dwControlID .cbStruct = Len(MxCD) .cbDetails = Len(Vol) End With ' Allocate a buffer for the control value buffer. hMem = GlobalAlloc(&H40, Len(Vol)) MxCD.paDetails = GlobalLock(hMem) MxCD.cChannels = 1 Vol.dwValue = Volume ' Copy the data into the control value buffer. CopyPtrFromStruct MxCD.paDetails, Vol, Len(Vol) ' Set the control value. ReturnCode = mixerSetControlDetails(hMixer, MxCD, MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE) GlobalFree hMem If ReturnCode = MMSYSERR_NOERROR Then MCI_VolumeSet = True Else MCI_VolumeSet = False End If End Function ' Function to extract files from a VB resource included in your project Public Function ExtractFromRES(RES_Type As String, RES_ID As Long, Optional FileToExtractTo As String = "") As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap Dim ResFile() As Byte ' File Byte Array Dim FileNum As Long ' File Handle Dim strTemp As String Dim Ret As String ' Check if a Type name has been specified If RES_Type = "" Then If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox "No type name has been specified. Can't retrieve the file from the resource.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " No File Specified To Extract" End If ExtractFromRES = False Exit Function End If ' See if user has previously extracted this resource file Ret = SearchForTempFile(RES_Type, RES_ID) ' If HAS NOT, create it If Ret = "" Then If FileToExtractTo <> "" Then ' Check if user specified a file to extract to strTemp = FileToExtractTo ' Specify the user's file Else strTemp = CreateTempFile(RES_Type, RES_ID) ' Create temp file End If GoSub CreateTempFile ' If user HAS but it's not there anymore, create new one ElseIf Dir(Ret) = "" Then If FileToExtractTo <> "" Then ' Check if user specified a file to extract to strTemp = FileToExtractTo ' Specify the user's file Else strTemp = CreateTempFile(RES_Type, RES_ID) ' Create temp file End If ' If user HAS and it's still there, use it Else strTempFile = Ret End If ExtractFromRES = True Exit Function CreateTempFile: ' Load RES File into a Byte Array ResFile = LoadResData(RES_ID, RES_Type) ' Save the RES file to the new temp file Close FileNum = FreeFile Open strTemp For Binary As #FileNum ' Open Temp File Put #FileNum, 1, ResFile() ' Insert Byte Array into Temp File Close #FileNum ' Close Temp File Return ErrorTrap: If Err.Number = 0 Then ' No Error Resume Next ElseIf Err.Number = 20 Then ' Resume Without Error Resume Next Else ' Other Error ErrMsg Err.Source, Err.Number, Err.Description End If End Function ' Function to display error messages if encountered Private Function ErrMsg(ErrorSource As String, ErrorNumber As Long, ErrorDescription As String) On Error Resume Next Dim Form As Form ' Error 0 = No Error / Error 20 = Resume Without Error If ErrorNumber = 0 Or ErrorNumber = 20 Then Exit Function End If ' If user wants error messages shown, display one If boolShowErrors = True Then MsgBox ErrorSource & " just encountered the following error :" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Error Number = " & CStr(ErrorNumber) & Chr(13) & "Error Description = " & ErrorDescription, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, " Error - " & ErrorDescription End If lngLastError = ErrorNumber Err.Clear ' Unload all the forms and exit the program ' For Each Form In Forms ' Unload Form ' Set Form = Nothing ' Next ' ' End End Function ' Function that strips the file name from the end of a full path statement ' This function is used in the AVI functions to determine the AVI Video ' window's default caption Private Function StripFileName(FullPath As String) As String On Error Resume Next Dim MyCounter As Integer Dim CharLeft As String Dim CharRight As String For MyCounter = 0 To Len(FullPath) CharRight = Right(FullPath, MyCounter) CharLeft = Left(CharRight, 1) If CharLeft = "\" Then StripFileName = Right(CharRight, (Len(CharRight) - 1)) Exit Function End If Next End Function ' This is the routine that uses the Windows API to create a unique ' temporary in the system's temp directory Private Function CreateTempFile(RES_Type As String, RES_ID As Long) As String On Error Resume Next Dim Result As Long ' API Result Returned Dim strThePath As String * FILE_MAX_PATH Dim strTheFile As String * FILE_MAX_PATH ' Get Temp Path and File Name Result = GetTempPath(FILE_MAX_PATH, strThePath) Result = GetTempFileName(strThePath, FILE_PREFIX, 0, strTheFile) ' Strip off null strings from end strTempPath = Left(strThePath, InStr(strThePath, Chr(0)) - 1) strTempFile = Left(strTheFile, InStr(strTheFile, Chr(0)) - 1) ' Store the information of the temp files that have been created lngTemp_Files = lngTemp_Files + 1 lngTemp_Infos = lngTemp_Infos + 1 ReDim Preserve strTemp_File(lngTemp_Files) As String ReDim Preserve strTemp_Info(lngTemp_Infos) As String strTemp_File(lngTemp_Files) = strTempFile strTemp_Info(lngTemp_Infos) = RES_Type & "|" & CStr(RES_ID) ' Return the current temp file path CreateTempFile = strTemp_File(lngTemp_Files) DoEvents End Function ' Function used to see if a resource has already been extracted, ' and if it has, find out what it's name is ' * NOTE - This doesn't work if the user specifies the file to be ' extracted because this assumes the user wants to keep the file Private Function SearchForTempFile(RES_Type As String, RES_ID As Long) As String On Error Resume Next Dim MyCounter As Long Dim MyCounter1 As Long Dim CharLeft As String Dim CharRight As String Dim TheInfo As String Dim TheType As String Dim TheID As String If lngTemp_Infos = 0 Then SearchForTempFile = "" Exit Function Else For MyCounter = 0 To lngTemp_Infos TheInfo = strTemp_Info(MyCounter) If TheInfo <> "" Then GoSub StripRES_ID If TheType = RES_Type And TheID = CStr(RES_ID) Then SearchForTempFile = strTemp_File(MyCounter) Exit Function End If End If Next End If Exit Function StripRES_ID: For MyCounter1 = 0 To Len(TheInfo) CharRight = Right(TheInfo, MyCounter1) CharLeft = Left(CharRight, 1) If CharLeft = "|" Then TheID = Right(CharRight, (Len(CharRight) - 1)) TheType = Left(TheInfo, (Len(TheInfo) - Len(CharRight))) Return End If Next Return End Function ' This routine goes out to the temp directory and deletes all the temp ' files that it created when extracting the files from the VB Resource Private Function CleanUpTempFiles() On Error Resume Next Dim MyCounter As Long ' If no temp files created, exit without doing anything If lngTemp_Files = 0 Then Exit Function End If For MyCounter = 0 To lngTemp_Files If strTemp_File(MyCounter) <> "" Then If Dir(strTemp_File(MyCounter)) <> "" Then Kill strTemp_File(MyCounter) End If End If Next End Function ' Function checks to see how many CD-ROM drives are installed ' on your machine, and if there are returns how many Public Function CheckForCDROM() As Integer On Error Resume Next Dim MyCounter As Integer Dim CDDrives As Integer ' Chr(65) = "A" Chr(90) = "Z" For MyCounter = 65 To 90 If CheckDriveType(Chr(MyCounter)) = "CD-ROM" Then CDDrives = CDDrives + 1 End If Next CheckForCDROM = CDDrives End Function ' Checks the specified drive letter to see what kind of drive it is Public Function CheckDriveType(DriveLetter As String) As String On Error Resume Next Dim Ret As Long If Len(DriveLetter) > 1 Or DriveLetter = "" Then CheckDriveType = "Invalid Drive Letter" End If Ret = GetDriveTypeA(DriveLetter & ":\") Select Case Ret Case 0 ' Cannot be determined CheckDriveType = "Unknown" Case 1 ' The root directory does not exist CheckDriveType = "Unknown" Case DRIVE_CDROM CheckDriveType = "CD-ROM" Case DRIVE_REMOVABLE CheckDriveType = "Removable" Case DRIVE_FIXED CheckDriveType = "Fixed" Case DRIVE_REMOTE CheckDriveType = "Remote" End Select End Function